Insights & Strategies for a Purposeful Life
Explore expert advice, powerful mindset shifts, and practical tools to help you overcome challenges, build resilience, and create lasting success.

That's a thought. If you have listened to me long enough, you have probably heard me say this. How we think changes how we act. Either we show up and go for it, or we don't. Whatever you choose to do or not do was preceded by a thought. Either, “I am going to give this a try,” or “I can't do that.” So, the next time you find yourself spouting limiting thoughts, tell yourself, “That's a thought.” That really is all it is. A thought. And thoughts can change. Tell yourself something different. “If I do _______, then I will be able to do _________.” “How can I get to ___________?” Challenge your thoughts and see just how creative

5 Benefits of Group Coaching
You know I'm a fan of group coaching, but you may still be hesitant. And that's o.k. I want to share with you what a real member of Live On Purpose Central said about the group coaching we do weekly. This is part of the actual email: Getting your advice

For most of you that read this newsletter, fall is just around the corner. I know many don’t want to hear that, but it will happen regardless if we choose to put our fingers in our ears and close our eyes. With the change in seasons, many kids are heading

The Best of Intentions and Why That Isn't Good Enough
Intentions We have the best of them. We are not going to yell anymore. We are not going to snip back at our co-worker. We are going to clean the house. We are going to workout. And then… You know how it goes. Only now, we did what we said

Accept Responsibility – Save Relationships
I didn't mean to do it. I didn't mean to say that. That's not what I intended. Have you ever said one of these? Most likely you have. I have. I am not here to beat you up. We all make mistakes, and we all need to be free with

The Benefits of Coaching
When we think of coaching we immediately think of sports. Every team has a coach. It is the responsibility of the coach to get the team working together and be successful. You might be surprised that athletes often have their own private coach(es). And coaches are not limited to sports.

Living On Purpose with Problems
I talk a lot about our purpose but, hey, did you see the logo? Live On Purpose. It seems some people think their purpose is to be free of all problems. They are going to be happy, they are going to be successful, they are going to be content when they

Everyone knows how damaging gossip can be, to the gossiper and those being gossiped about. My friend, Bob Burg had a great idea that I just have to pass along. It is an idea that if utilized could reduce negativity and increase positivity. The Reverse Gossip Game The rules are

Give It a Try
Accept the Challenge In going through YouTube comments recently, there were several that caught my eye. These were the ones that said they were going to give what I was discussing in the videos a try. These comments make me smile. They light me up. They fill me with hope.

You Can Make Your Life Less Frustrating with This One Tip
When I learned this one tip, life got easier. Detach from the outcomes. This makes sense because can we really control the outcome? Probably not. Have you ever been absolutely sure of what should happen? Not kind of hoped for, but you absolutely KNEW what the outcome needed to be

Write Your New Ending
Have you ever read a book or seen a movie and were disappointed with how it ended? Clients sometimes tell me they don’t like how their life has ended up. They feel down and dejected. I feel pumped up and excited. Because it isn’t the end of the story. The

Do This Before Your Relationships Suffer
Too often people come to me when things are broken. Saddest of all is when relationships are broken, or hanging on by a thread, And then we get into what is wrong. In most cases they don’t need to tell me what happened. The results are predictable. They stopped spending

Choose Love and Kindness Amid Tragedy
I had something else on my mind for this week and then another senseless school shooting happened. Someone decided to walk into a place that was safe and loving and killed 21 people, leaving countless others shattered in the aftermath. It makes my heart heavy. There just aren't words. A

Why Are We So Lousy at Self-Care?
I hurt my back. No, not a big deal and not something new. It happens and contrary to what my wife says, it has nothing to do with the fact that my twin sister has a birthday coming soon. Nothing at all! Now, I know what I should do when

To-Do or Not To-Do Lists, Try Maybe
To-Do lists. You know how they work. By writing everything down you have a better chance of getting tasks done because you are more likely to remember them and there is a physical reminder staring at you from your desk. I have even been known to add an item to

Uncomfortable Should be Routine
Do you remember how it felt when you sat behind the wheel of a car the first time? The direction of the car was up to you. YOU had complete control. And, you felt like you had no idea what you were doing. You had some notion of how the car worked,

Perception vs. Reality
Our perception of the world can change. It doesn't mean the world has changed. It hasn't. Perception does not change reality. A shift in perception CAN change how we see ourselves in relation to the world (or your child, partner, boss, etc.). A shift can give us an idea, resolve,

Happiness is a Choice
It really is. Happiness is not a future event. It is now. But, my kids are not listening to me. I hate my job and my boss. I can't seem to get everything done that I need to. You can choose to be happy, even if your life is not

Control Battles – It’s About Stage, Not Age
There is only one thing your children need to learn about control. And, it is easy to teach. Sound too good to be true? Here it is. Control and Maturity are butting up against each other in the model and when we understand how they relate, things start to make

How to Agree on Effective Rules When You Have Different Values
Is it possible for couples with different values to agree on effective rules for their children? Yes! When couples simplify and seek to understand each other. Let’s start with the good news: Differences make us relevant and interesting to each other. Think about it, if you and your partner were

The Hope Class Encore
Hope: (verb) want something to happen or be the case. Sounds simple enough. Yet, I hear people say they don't have any hope. And this disturbs me. Because this world needs hope. Almost everything that has been invented or created in this world has been because of hope. Someone hoped

This is Better Than Luck
The Luck of the Irish St. Patrick's Day has a lot of fun traditions. Wear green so you don't get pinched. Eat corned beef and cabbage. (I don't mind the green frosted sugar cookies either). Discover the pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. Find a leprechaun and

Stress is Real – Hope is Real
Effects of the Pandemic Spouse, Ex, Children, In-laws Finances Work or lack thereof Politics War It is easy to see why so many people (and you may be one of them) are suffering from stress. The right kind of stress can actually motivate us, but chronic stress is when we

Three Magical Letters
Three ordinary letters when placed in the right order can cause a paradigm shift of monumental proportions. Y E T As in, “I can't do that!” -or- “I can't do that, yet.” “I'm not good enough!” -or- “I'm not good enough,

The Surprising Truth About Group Coaching
One of the biggest benefits of a membership at Live On Purpose Central is the Group Coaching that occurs there every week. If you are a little wary of group coaching, you are not alone. Yet, it is a powerful tool that has helped many people IF we can get over the