When I learned this one tip, life got easier.

Detach from the outcomes.

This makes sense because can we really control the outcome?

Probably not. 

Have you ever been absolutely sure of what should happen? 

Not kind of hoped for, but you absolutely KNEW what the outcome needed to be to ensure your future happiness and success. And probably that of your spouse and children, (eye roll).

And then something other than what you were sure was the best option was chosen.

Now what do you do? 

Consider challenging your perception of the outcome.

Is the world going to come to an end? 

Are you never going to be happy?

Is your life over?


When you are feeling tipped over or upset about something, stand back.

There is almost always more than one solution to a problem.

More than one path to a goal.

Allow yourself to become more of a viewer and less of an interested party.

Change your perception of the outcome and choose a position that serves you well.

Tell yourself, “I am right on schedule. This is part of the plan.”

Because how many times have you thought the worst possible outcome happened and then later it turned out to be better than the one you had hoped for?

Leave a comment and share your unexpected outcome that turned out to be better than you had hoped for.
