Insights & Strategies for a Purposeful Life
Explore expert advice, powerful mindset shifts, and practical tools to help you overcome challenges, build resilience, and create lasting success.

That's a thought. If you have listened to me long enough, you have probably heard me say this. How we think changes how we act. Either we show up and go for it, or we don't. Whatever you choose to do or not do was preceded by a thought. Either, “I am going to give this a try,” or “I can't do that.” So, the next time you find yourself spouting limiting thoughts, tell yourself, “That's a thought.” That really is all it is. A thought. And thoughts can change. Tell yourself something different. “If I do _______, then I will be able to do _________.” “How can I get to ___________?” Challenge your thoughts and see just how creative

Self-Improvement: A Powerful Tool or Evading Personal Responsibility
I am all about self-improvement. Any time I come across a tool or way of thinking that challenges me, I am intrigued. But, don’t call me a self-improvement junkie. Self-improvement junkies indulge in self-help without any action. They read all the latest books, listen to podcasts, watch videos, and attend

Don't Throw Your Mistakes Away, Walk on Them
I’m sure you have heard the analogy of the traveler who picks up stones and puts them in their backpack until they are weighed down and can’t go on. The stones are baggage that the traveler needs to free themselves from so they can continue on their journey. I was

Which Love Are You Manifesting?
In America we are celebrating the Superbowl and Valentine's Day this week. This got me thinking about an episode of Live On Purpose Radio I did in October 2022. I talked about a book called The Law of Love, written by a three-time Superbowl Champ, Steve Young. This book resonated

Your Glass is Always Full of What You Need Most
Is your glass half empty or half full? What if I told you that no matter how much liquid is in your glass, it is always full? In fact, it is overflowing. I touch on this in my book, Pathological Positivity. Your glass is full, all the time. The part that

Have you heard the saying, “We don't see things as they really are, we see things as we are?” It means that we are influenced by everything that has gone into making us who we are. All our experiences, all our personal beliefs, our culture and our worldview. Everything that

Find Out if You are an Adult
I heard a great definition of an adult. An adult is someone who gives more than they take. There is another saying that the more you give the more you get. In my years of counseling and coaching, the unhappiest people are those who expect things and don't look for

Kindness Begins With Me
Did you ever notice that sometimes the simplest of questions don't have simple answers? The question was asked in a conversation talking about some really serious recent happenings in the world. Why can't people just be kind to each other? Could it be that easy? I think so. Then, what

Take Out the Trash – Your Head Trash
I ran to the store right after Christmas and as I drove down the street I saw overflowing trash cans. The leftover remains of the holidays was on display. It reminded me that the New Year is a great time to get rid of trash – our head trash. The

A Christmas Poem
I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me; I'd like to be the help that you've been always glad to be; I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day As you have meant,

Christmas Traditions, Then and Now
What does your family do on Christmas? Do you hide a pickle ornament on the Christmas Tree? O.K., stop laughing, this is a real Christmas tradition. The first person to find the pickle on Christmas morning can open the first present, or they get an additional gift. How about putting

Increase Your Happiness by Increasing Your Gratitude
Did you know there is a direct correlation between your level of happiness and your level of gratitude? A study done by Robert A. Emmons and Michael E. McCullough in 2003 shows that individuals who think about gratitude report being 10% happier than those who don’t focus on gratitude. In the study,

Rock the Blues out of your Christmas
“I’ll have a blue, blue Christmas, without you.” We know Elvis is singing about unrequited love, but there are many reasons people can be feeling the Holiday Blues. Often other feelings accompany the malaise, including anxiety, loneliness, and stress. The good news is feelings change and there are things you

Believe in Others so they Can Believe in Themselves
Recently my assistant told me that when she was young she thought she was going to die before she was 35 because she couldn’t imagine being that old. She couldn’t picture what she would look like, or what she would be doing so she thought that meant she would never

Get in Front of Your But
Have you been guilty of this? Because I have. I have been behind my but when I know I need to be in front of my but. I have said I want to do something, but I just can’t. Did you see it? I am behind my but when I need to be

Are You Interested or Committed?
What is that one thing you know you should be doing, but aren’t? For some it may be exercise, putting more into a relationship (spouse, child, parents), eating better, or getting enough sleep. If you are trying to “fit” these things in, well, they probably aren’t going to happen –

Make Your Days Count
Don’t count the days, make the days count. Soon we will be in full holiday mode. That means the countdowns are about to start. Countdown to Thanksgiving. Countdown to Christmas. Countdown to the bowl games. Countdown to a favorite activity. Countdown to the guests arriving. So many countdowns. Get your

Every Day Scare Yourself
“Do one thing every day that scares you.” Eleanor Roosevelt I see lots of ghosts and goblins, witches, and skeletons while I am out driving. There are plenty of other scary things in the world, but this challenge is about stretching yourself. It is self-inflicted and one of the best

Just Wait a Minute
What season is it where you live? Fall? Winter? Summer? Spring? The thing about seasons is if you wait they change. Feelings are like seasons – they don't stay forever. When I was a kid I hated certain vegetables. I mean I felt very strongly about some of them and

Are Your Monday Morning Full of Opportunity?
Are you one of those people who hate Monday mornings? I love them! Mondays are opportunity. The slate is wiped clean and I have a whole new week in front of me to create great things. Some people say they do not like Monday mornings because of their job. They

Leave the Door Open for Spring
In my part of the world, the leaves are turning those cool fall colors and spiraling from the trees. Sometimes we like to drive up the canyon and see all the leaves falling from their branches. Some people don't like to see the leaves fall as it means there will

The Only Constant is Change
We often wish things wouldn’t change. We are content and we are happy, enjoying what is going on in our lives at the moment. Someone once told me, “The only thing you can count on is change.” As I have experienced decades of birthdays and life, I believe this is

All it Takes is 7 Seconds
There is a Tedx Talk called 7 Seconds of Courage, Choice, Not Chance by Charlene Wheeless. There have been 7 Seconds of Courage Challenges circulating among different social media platforms. Basically, take 7 seconds to get into a task you have been avoiding or need to get done. Using those 7 seconds

How Far Do You Want to Go?
It may be easier to make decisions working alone, but I have found working with others usually results in a better outcome. This is because when I have the brain power, experiences, background, and resources of multiple people working with me, rather than just mine, we can create a superior