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Leave the Door Open for Spring

By M-Power
In my part of the world, the leaves are turning those cool fall colors and spiraling from the trees. Sometimes we like to drive up the canyon and see all the leaves falling from their branches. Some people don't like to see the leaves fall as it means there will be bare trees and winter. For us that means lots of snow and frigid temperatures. People can get depressed with less sunlight during the day. We all have changing seasons in our lives. We have problems that seem to settle down upon us. Sometimes it feels like they are freezing us in place and we can't move on and deal with the rest of our lives. They leave us feeling cold and bare.  Yet, in all my years of life, Spring has always come bringing new life, brilliant colors and warming the ground, transforming the snow and ice into life-giving…
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The Only Constant is Change

By M-Power
We often wish things wouldn’t change. We are content and we are happy, enjoying what is going on in our lives at the moment. Someone once told me, “The only thing you can count on is change.”  As I have experienced decades of birthdays and life, I believe this is true. And, I am O.K. with change. Because it often leads us to better things than I could have imagined. We have been in the process of making changes at Live On Purpose. Changes to our learning platform, our products, and how they are delivered. There will be some changes to our email. We will be sending the weekly email on Mondays. We are changing the name, actually going back to something Vicki suggested years ago. Thanks, Vicki. The look will be similar, with just a few changes to the banner.  The content will remain mostly the same - for…
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All it Takes is 7 Seconds

By M-Power
There is a Tedx Talk called 7 Seconds of Courage, Choice, Not Chance by Charlene Wheeless. There have been 7 Seconds of Courage Challenges circulating among different social media platforms.  Basically, take 7 seconds to get into a task you have been avoiding or need to get done. Using those 7 seconds to focus and begin the task will propel you toward finishing. Those 7 seconds shift you from park into agent mode. And, powerful things happen when you are acting as an agent.  When you are trapped in victimhood, you see things happening as being done to you. It feels personal. And this leads to feeling trapped in your circumstances. You can use 7 seconds to shift your paradigm and see that what is happening is not personal. It just is. Seeing yourself as an agent puts you into action mode. That is when you will make real progress toward your goals and no…
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How Far Do You Want to Go?

By M-Power
It may be easier to make decisions working alone, but I have found working with others usually results in a better outcome. This is because when I have the brain power, experiences, background, and resources of multiple people working with me, rather than just mine, we can create a superior product.  When I have someone to challenge my thoughts, my preconceived ideas, and show me a different perspective, then I am able to level up. Our head trash can keep us in the same rut, doing the same thing over and over.  That is perfectly fine - if you are okay with the outcome. If you want something different, then it is time to bring in a different perspective. It is time to find someone who will challenge your thoughts. It is time to find someone who will stretch you and suggest different ways of doing what you are doing to…
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Bring Your Own Sunshine

By M-Power
For the part of the world that I live in, summer is winding down. We are heading into fall and that means cooler days, more clouds, and less sun. That is why this quote caught my attention: “Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” Anthony J. D’Angelo As a Positivity Psychologist, this spoke to me.  No matter what is happening around us, we ultimately bring ourselves to the game and how we decide to show up plays a big part in what happens to us.  I liken this to a bear. When we show up as a bear, snarling, with our teeth bared and displaying our claws, we are seen as something to run from.  If we see the other person as a bear, same scenario, then we run from that person.  Our goal at Live On Purpose is to save and enrich key…
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Change is Constant

By M-Power
What is the one thing every person on this planet has in common?If you said “change” you are right.I know some of you are saying, my life is boring, nothing ever changes. Think again.We are not the same from one day to the next. Change can be so subtle as to go unnoticed.Sometimes outside forces make change mandatory. Are you paying the same for food, gas and housing than you did a year or two ago? Are your relationships exactly the same as they were last year?What experiences have you been through and what have you learned in the past year?Change is the one constant in our lives. Everyone is navigating change whether it is change we initiated or change that occurred through outside forces.One reason people are hesitant to embrace change is that it isn’t familiar. It is untrodden ground. In embracing change, we suspend our negativity and become full…
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Enjoy Life, Now!

By M-Power
"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be lived." Søren Kierkegaard Many of us have calendars, to-do lists, messages, reminders, and notifications. I have them too. Many of these have to do with problems that need solutions. If you are only focusing on problems, it is easy to slide into noxious negativity and forget that life is to be lived. There are ups and downs in life. We need to hold onto both, not allowing one to overshadow the other.  Here are some tips that may help to keep balanced. Take a break from the problem. Some problems are big and won't be fixed by a trip to the hardware store for a part. Some problems will last for years. Tell yourself that for now you have done enough and push the pause button so you can see the awesome things happening around you. Look back on past…
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Ready for a Mood Changer?

By M-Power
If you have listened to me long enough you have heard me say, “You are never wrong about how you feel.” You have also heard me say, “Feelings are temporary.” These seem to be contradictory but they actually aren’t. Feelings are useful to check in to what we are experiencing. Then, if we want to stay there, we can choose to, but if it is a feeling we are ready to move on from we can do something about that. You can change your feelings and one of the quickest ways I know how is to smile. Smiling releases endorphins, which help to relieve stress. Endorphins boost your mood. See where I am going? With a mood change, you are changing your feelings. Hormones can combat depression which will also boost your immune system. Yes, smiling can actually help prevent illness, both physical and mental. Smiling is also contagious. Smiling authentically around…
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Try Humility

By M-Power
When you think of the word humility do you think of weakness, low self-esteem, passivity, or lack of confidence? Humility to me is none of these things.  Humility is a strength. It shows that you are open to possibilities because you are willing to listen and learn from others. It means you may be right, but you are going to respect others’ viewpoint and not demand that they agree with you.  Humility is not about putting yourself down or letting others walk over you. It is about having a realistic and balanced view of yourself and your abilities.  Humility also helps you to connect with others in a genuine and respectful way.  Humility allows healing and thriving in your 7 Key Relationships. Some of the benefits of humility include: It fosters a growth mindset that allows you to learn from feedback and challenges. It enhances your emotional intelligence and empathy,…
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Do You Have the Oars to Row Your Boat?

By M-Power
My family jokes that I can take any event and turn it into a lesson.  I heard of one recently where two teens took one of their parent’s boat out fishing. They were just going lake fishing so they weren’t out in the ocean but this boat had a little motor. They took the boat out a ways from shore and fished for a while. Then they couldn’t get the motor to start. So they go to grab the oars and start rowing, but there is only one oar.  Even with some ingenious rowing, (take one stroke and pass the oar to the other person to take a stroke), they can’t make any progress without the other oar.  So they decide they are going to push the boat back to the shore. They jump overboard and get behind the boat and start kicking in the water and pushing the boat. …
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