“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”
stephen covey
O.K. this is a bit redundant, but life gets redundant sometimes and we need to remember why we are doing what we are doing.
Even me. It is so easy to get lost in the details.
Our goal at Live On Purpose is to “Save and Enrich Key Relationships.”
The main thing that will keep those relationships going and bring us the highest amount of satisfaction and happiness we can know is love.
Choosing love each and every day and in each and every interaction will save and enrich your relationships.
Valentine’s is a great time to remember this truth and keep love as your MAIN THING.
Remember how much you loved your spouse on your wedding day?
Remember how much you loved your child on the day they were born?
Remember how much you loved your friend when they were there for you when you were falling apart?
Remember how much you loved your family when they celebrated your success?
Choose to “Love no matter what and even if…”
As a parent it is easy to forget this and to think our job is to raise a (fill in the blank) individual.
It isn’t. We don’t have that much control.
As a partner it is easy to let the hurts and disappointments fester when we should be choosing to love and work together for a stronger relationship.
I am famous for making things complicated, but this one is easy.
Choose to love no matter what and even if…