Insights & Strategies for a Purposeful Life

Explore expert advice, powerful mindset shifts, and practical tools to help you overcome challenges, build resilience, and create lasting success.

That's a thought. If you have listened to me long enough, you have probably heard me say this. How we think changes how we act. Either we show up and go for it, or we don't. Whatever you choose to do or not do was preceded by a thought. Either, “I am going to give this a try,” or “I can't do that.” So, the next time you find yourself spouting limiting thoughts, tell yourself, “That's a thought.” That really is all it is. A thought. And thoughts can change. Tell yourself something different. “If I do _______, then I will be able to do _________.” “How can I get to ___________?” Challenge your thoughts and see just how creative

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Choose the Main Thing – LOVE

“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” stephen covey O.K. this is a bit redundant, but life gets redundant sometimes and we need to remember why we are doing what we are doing.  Even me. It is so easy to get lost in the details.

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Knowing is Half the Battle – Get the Other Half

“Knowing is half the battle.” You can’t really win half the battle. You have still lost in the end. Knowing is not doing. You can have the best, most strategic battle plan, but until you put it into action you don't even have half a chance of winning. Knowing and

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Do You Need Habits or Goals?

Do you need a habit or a goal to achieve your objective? The answer is both. At first glance habits and goals may seem similar, but there are key differences between the two that can make a big difference in how you use them to reach your objectives. Since we

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Pass On Positivity

We know what it means to “pay it forward” or “random acts of kindness.”  What about “passing on positivity?” It is easy to do and can be done anywhere. It will make a huge impact in creating a more positive environment. Start by looking outward. Notice your environment and specifically

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Get On the Path to New Beginnings

January is traditionally a time for new beginnings.  Not everyone hops on the path to a new destination as they see others down the path and don't think they can ever get there. But where did those people further down the path start? Where you are! Does that change anything

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Reboot Your Brain

Recently my computer was giving me some problems, things weren’t pulling up the way they should and I couldn’t get some of the add-ons to work.  So, I did a reboot. Yep, shut the whole thing down, gave it a rest and re-booted. And wha-la, everything started working the way

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Nurture Your Key Relationships at Christmas

I think back to the many Christmases shared with our family and remember the excitement as presents were added under the tree during December. The kids would run to see whose name was on the gift and could hardly contain their excitement when they saw their name. The gifts would

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Worry is the Misuse of Imagination

Christmas is a time of imagination and creativity. Sometimes people use their imagination in the wrong way. It isn't all sugar plums and twinkling lights. They imagine troubles, hardships, scarcity and conflict. No twinkling lights there. Dan Zadra said, “Worry is the misuse of imagination.” We have a choice –

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Expectation and Resentment

There is a saying in AA:  Expectations are Premeditated Resentments. If you have feelings of resentment, you can almost always look back and find unrealized expectations that led to the resentment.  Being frustrated and resentful inhibits our ability to think logically and clearly. It pushes us to a place where

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Happy Thanksgiving LOP Family

We will keep this quick this week since many of you are celebrating Thanksgiving with family and friends.We are grateful for you and every effort you have made to spread positivity in a world that gravitates to negativity.We are grateful for you watching LOPTV YouTube videos, reading our newsletters and

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What is Your TED Moment?

Do you like TED Talks or Inspirational Speakers? The psychologist in me is fascinated by these speeches. There is a common thread through most of the talks given. There was something hard. Obstacles and problems were placed before them. It was something they would not have chosen for themselves. They

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Lesson of a Colorful Paper Turkey

Remember the colorful paper turkey’s we used to make in school around this time of year? On each red, yellow, or orange feather, we would write something we were grateful for. Mine often mentioned my family, friends, food, and toys, probably similar to yours. I wonder if my teachers had

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Don't Be Afraid to Be a Beginner

Remember how it felt when the teacher would introduce a new concept to the class? Often what we were faced with looked like hieroglyphics until the teacher explained what everything meant on the paper and how to read it.  Often kids look at the paper and immediately go to:  “I

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Imagination and Creation

Imaginations are powerful. Imagination is the ability to see something that isn’t in the present. It is the ability to dream up something new, to be creative and resourceful. Imagine if you could feel calm and hopeful when things are tumultuous.  Imagine if you were presented with a problem and

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What's Your Angle?

What's your angle? When we say this we want to know what someone is trying to get out of a situation. You know what I mean. All the sudden your kids are asking if there is anything they can do for you??!? We know something's up and they are probably

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Perception of Mental Health in America

One of our coaches passed along an article that shows 90% of Americans believe there is a mental health crisis in the United States.  Being a psychologist, I read about and talk to others in the field about mental health so it is on the forefront of my mind. With 9 out

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Coal and Diamonds

Lead is a normally soft metal, yet when it is squeezed under enormous pressure, it becomes stronger. Henry Kissinger said, “A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure.” He also reminded us that diamonds aren't made in a day. Sometimes pressure is exerted externally, without our

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DIscipline gets a bad rap in our culture. We think of it as punishment. As something to be avoided and only embraced if we have no other choice. “Discipline is rarely enjoyable, but almost always profitable.” Darrin Patrick From the Latin origin, the word discipline can mean student. When you

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Avoid These Two Words

My editor tells me to avoid using words like never and always in writing. I have noticed that it is sage advice for thinking. Things are almost never or always. Do you ALWAYS lose your keys? Probably not. You might be prone to misplacing them, but that just means you need to

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You Are Enough

I am all for challenging, striving, reaching, becoming. Those words give us a sense of the future. Yet, sometimes we rob ourselves of happiness in the moment when we focus too much on the future. When we THINK we have to be something we aren't yet. It is possible to

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Fall Resolutions May be Better Than New Year's

Have you nailed your New Year’s Resolution? Do you even remember what you said you were going to accomplish in 2022? It’s not too late to accomplish your goal. Fall may be a better time to make and keep a resolution anyway. Many people are facing burnout after the holidays

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Toxic vs. Pathological Positivity

I am a positivity expert and I hadn't even heard the term toxic positivity until the pandemic. Toxic positivity is the belief that no matter how dire the circumstances, you should just think positive. It is denying the pain. Pushing it down and ignoring it, hoping it will go away.

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How Well Do You Know Dr. Paul?

Dr. Paul has been really busy lately so we are giving him a week off and taken over the newsletter. We often joke about some of Dr. Paul's catch phrases and can often anticipate what Dr. Paul will say before he says it. We call these Dr. Paulism's. While you

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