
Don’t Throw Your Mistakes Away, Walk on Them

I’m sure you have heard the analogy of the traveler who picks up stones and puts them in their backpack until they are weighed down and can’t go on. The stones are baggage that the traveler needs to free themselves from so they can continue on their journey. I was reminded of this with a […]

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Self-Improvement: A Powerful Tool or Evading Personal Responsibility

I am all about self-improvement. Any time I come across a tool or way of thinking that challenges me, I am intrigued. But, don’t call me a self-improvement junkie. Self-improvement junkies indulge in self-help without any action. They read all the latest books, listen to podcasts, watch videos, and attend seminars, but never apply the

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Rock the Blues out of your Christmas

“I’ll have a blue, blue Christmas, without you.” We know Elvis is singing about unrequited love, but there are many reasons people can be feeling the Holiday Blues. Often other feelings accompany the malaise, including anxiety, loneliness, and stress.  The good news is feelings change and there are things you can do to change your

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