Dr. Paul has been really busy lately so we are giving him a week off and taken over the newsletter. We often joke about some of Dr. Paul's catch phrases and can often anticipate what Dr. Paul will say before he says it. We call these Dr. Paulism's. While you won't find this term in the dictionary, as soon as you hear a few, you know what we mean. Let's see how well you know Dr. Paul. Take the Dr.Paulism Quiz and keep your score. Here we go: Love your kids no matter what and even if...Simple isn't easyPeople over possessionsValues over valuableThat's a thoughtThe great thing is you don't have to like it (or want to do it)Or notYou are never wrong about how you feelYou are always right about how you feelFeel the fear and do it anywayDoes that serve you well?I'm working for YOUHonored to be on…
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