Insights & Strategies for a Purposeful Life
Explore expert advice, powerful mindset shifts, and practical tools to help you overcome challenges, build resilience, and create lasting success.

That's a thought. If you have listened to me long enough, you have probably heard me say this. How we think changes how we act. Either we show up and go for it, or we don't. Whatever you choose to do or not do was preceded by a thought. Either, “I am going to give this a try,” or “I can't do that.” So, the next time you find yourself spouting limiting thoughts, tell yourself, “That's a thought.” That really is all it is. A thought. And thoughts can change. Tell yourself something different. “If I do _______, then I will be able to do _________.” “How can I get to ___________?” Challenge your thoughts and see just how creative

Do You Know Someone who is Cranky or Annoying?
A lot of people are working in a different way or even in a different environment in 2020, but there are plenty that still work with others on a daily basis. I get asked how to deal with difficult co-workers. Since it is Cranky Coworker Day, I thought we could

If Not This, Then What? Using Creation to Live On Purpose
How are you doing dealing with your frustration? When we are frustrated, we tend to feel stuck, we are in blaming mode and we aren’t using the executive function of our brains. If you missed our last email on why it is important to deal with the feeling of

Stop Frustration in Its Tracks
Frustration is a real emotion and as we discussed in our last email, it is an emotion that often leads to a secondary emotion – anger. Anger is such an active emotion and when we lash out in anger, we don’t get the desired result we are after. Anger often

Why Am I So Grouchy?
Who are some of your favorite grouches? Oscar the Grouch? Archie Bunker? Eeyore? Sheldon Cooper? Maxine? Scrooge? The Grinch? Frank Costanza? You? Ouch, I hope the last one doesn’t ring true, but I get asked all the time, how do I stop being angry all the time? Anger is a

Failure is not the Opposite of Success
It’s International Day of Failure. Did you catch that? International! We could change it to global. EVERYONE makes mistakes and those mistakes can lead us to feel like a failure. Why, if everyone makes mistakes do we jump to failure? As a professional psychologist, can I tell you that you

Why Principles are Crucial
I recently had a viewer comment on one of my parenting videos about helping children understand consequences that he was watching to get help with his wife. She just couldn’t understand that there are consequences to her actions. It isn’t the first time I have had a comment like this

5 Clues to Know if You are on the Path to Excellence
Have you ever wondered if you are on the right path? The path that will lead to excellence in your life? There are 5 clues that will help you determine if the path you are on is the one that is meant for you. Number 1, do you feel called

Lessons from Oatmeal and ABC's
I was watching some preschoolers play the other day and I think there are a few lessons we can learn from them on how to adult. When I first started watching them, the teacher had directed them to a discovery center and she had put alphabet letters in some oatmeal

Challenges the Ultimate Game-Changer
I was watching a video on Instagram that my friend and colleague, Camilita Nuttal and her husband posted. They were celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary and their business successes. They outlined some basic principles to their success. If you know me at all, you know I love principles. Principles are

Ideas on How To Be A Better Husband and Father
There has been a lot going on in 2020. I am hearing from lots of people that their homes are not running exactly how they have in years past. Many parents are still working from home, and kids have less activities and some are experiencing remote learning. This can put

Contronyms and 2020
I was told a long time ago that words have meaning. I have always loved words whose meanings contradict one another. These are called contronyms or Janus words. Janus is the two-faced Roman God and these auto-antonyms are named after him. Here are a few: Fast: It can mean to

3 Tips to Overcome Procrastination
Sunday, September 6th was National Fight Procrastination Day. Why do we procrastinate? The most common answer I get from people is that the thing they say they want to do is hard or uncomfortable. Even though they know it may be good for them, they procrastinate beginning. Why should we

Fortitude Through Creation
One of my core beliefs is that we are all creators. There is an innate desire in each of us to create something. It could be a beautiful garden. It could be expressed through an instrument. It could be pottery. It could be risotto. It could be a story or

Psychological Effects of Yelling at Your Kids
Some research has suggested that yelling is just as psychologically damaging to a child as is child abuse. I’m not sure if that is completely true, but yelling can make our children feel that they are not loved. One of the most traumatic experiences for a child is to feel

Today is National Daughter and Son Day
OK, I wasn’t sure about this. Really? We have joked at our house about everyday being kid day. Then I read this, “The purpose of this holiday is for parents to celebrate all their children and to show them love and appreciation. On this day, parents all over the United

How To Reduce Children's Stress and Frustration
Stress, and frustration usually come up, because we feel that things are not the way they should be. Sound familiar anyone? This triggers an emotional response for us as parents when we think things are not how they should be. This happens to our children also. If we see our

Cultivating Peace Of Mind In Daily Life
There's all kinds of negative news out there. It just feels like the world is determined to take away your peace of mind. Guess what? You have a choice to create peace of mind in your daily life…you do! Get clear on what your sphere of influence is. You don’t

The Best Way For KIDS To Totally MANIPULATE Their Parents
One of our younger viewers on our YouTube Channel asked, “Dr. Paul, can you tell us the best way to totally manipulate our parents?” And I can. Parents, before you run screaming away, stick with me because I think you are going to like the final answer. Let's explore a

5 Effects Of Bad Parenting
As a psychologist, I have seen some of the effects of bad parenting. Having said that, before I get into the top 5, it's a relief to know that most of these things can be fixed. Especially if we jump on it quickly and early. The first thing that came

How To Achieve Peace Of Mind In Daily Life
Peace of mind is something that I get asked about a lot and I have one of our Certified Live On Purpose Coaches, Devan Bosch, to help us out. Devan, you've got a lot of reasons for knowing about peace and there's not a lot of peace in the world.

How To Stop Overthinking Everything And Find Peace Of Mind
You will either run your mind or your mind will run you. If you have to choose between those two, which one do you want? To run your own mind, you have to know a little bit about how it operates. Metacognition is a made-up word, in psychology all it

How To Do The Right Thing When It's Hard
One of our viewers asked, “Doctor Paul, how do you do the right thing when it's hard?” There's some psychological tricks to this. And I'm going to fill you in on each one of them. First of all, newsflash! The right thing often is hard. Do you remember in Harry

How To Help Your Spouse With Depression
There are four specific things you can do right now to help your spouse with depression and they may seem to be simple. Just because something seems simple, it doesn’t mean it is easy. First, your job is to love them no matter what and even if… It isn’t to

How To Practice Gratitude [Daily Gratitude Practice]
Evaluation and creation. These are two processes that constantly go on in our mind and control or set the stage for pretty much everything else. It is important to start from gratitude because gratitude changes the game. I think that there's a real key in the word practice. Scott Wilhite,