How To Get Your Kids To Listen Without Yelling

By M-Power

Take Control of You and Your Home I promise myself I am not going to yell and do good for a day or so, then find myself back in my bad habits, help me to stop. I hear myself yelling and it reminds me of my mom. I don’t want to raise my kids like I was raised. I can see the hurt in my kids eyes when I yell, but how do I get them to listen? My kids have trained me to yell, how do I take control? I feel like a complete failure as a parent. Help. If you have ever felt like this, you are not alone. But you probably felt like you were. So, when we launched Live On Purpose TV on YouTube, it was one of the first videos I recorded to help parents. And it is still one of the most popular videos…

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Small Course Adjustments for a Smooth Landing

By M-Power

Recently I wrote a post about how we were meant to change. We are not meant to stay the way we are, but are constantly evolving, hopefully for the better as we have experiences and figure things out. As I work with people who want to make changes, they usually want a huge change and they want it fast.  I am reminded that the small changes are what matters. We get to big changes through small adjustments.  My son is a pilot and he tells me that being just one degree off, and not adjusted, will take you off course so you may not even be landing on the correct continent.  In fact, when you fly, you may be off course as much as 90 percent of the time. This is due to air pressure, turbulence, and lots of factors.  What gets you back on course are tiny adjustments. Pilots…

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Mood Rings and America

By M-Power

Remember the mood ring?  You put the ring on your finger and watched the stone change color. It would tell you what you were feeling.  It sounds so silly now, especially since I have learned so much about the brain, but it was fun. Recently I heard someone talking about the mood of America and how bad it was.  And I thought, “Moods change.” Just as easily as we can be in a bad mood, we can also be in a good mood. Our mood is dictated by how we process what is going on around us.  Take a look at what you are taking in. Is the majority of your reading, listening and scrolling of a negative nature? If so, I can almost guarantee that your mood will not feel good to you.  I get it, we want to be informed, we are concerned about what is happening and…

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Windows of Opportunity

By M-Power

I often say that, “kids don’t keep,” or “babies don’t keep,” meaning that they are constantly changing and growing. Becoming something else than what they were six months ago.  I was reminded of this in my interview with Shane Torres that appeared last week on the Podcast, Live On Purpose Radio. Shane lost everything that he had defined as making himself successful. It was gone, the house, the cars, etc. He learned that those things are not what made him successful, they weren’t even the really important things in life. The important things were his family, and his relationships. I also recently had a few comments in YouTube about parents who do not see eye to eye on how to handle their children and a wedge starting to form between them.  It saddens me to hear this because one thing parents need to understand is that they are supposed to…

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Dogs Don’t Do “What If”

By M-Power

Unexpected Lesson from 9/11 I recently listened to a fascinating episode of a podcast about a man’s experience being in the World Trade Center on 9/11. The man is blind and had his guide dog there.  The story is masterfully weaved of the relationship between the man, Michael Hingson, his dog, Roselle, and the sighted people around them. Michael had trust in Roselle, who was calm during the experience and helped him down 78 flights of stairs and exited the building.  A few days after the experience, Michael called Guide Dogs for the Blind to see if there would be any repercussions from the experience. They asked if there were any injuries and Michael said no, that Roselle was acting normal and doing what she had done before. He was told she would be fine, that dogs aren’t like humans, they don’t do “what if.” Dogs don’t have a continuous…

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Platitudes: Helpful or Don’t Go There

By M-Power

Good things come to those who wait. Time heals all wounds. Forgive and forget. What doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger. Money can’t buy happiness. It is what it is. You have heard these before. Platitudes.  They are said to help someone feel better.  They are said because we don’t know what to say.  They are said because we believe in them. Many are based on true, timeless principles and therefore, we use them. They are hard to hear when we are living in the muck, in the hard part of the journey where we don’t yet see the light at the end of the tunnel. (Did you catch the platitude?) When we have come out of the tunnel, we can see how the platitude might be relevant, but rarely are they comforting when we are in the sticky part of life. What might be most helpful to…

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Letting Go or Giving Up

By M-Power

Let’s take the example of someone in a relationship that is not serving them well.  It could be a relationship where you desire affection and want to spend time with your partner. They say they are committed, but they continue to schedule things ahead of you and don’t put you first. They avoid talking about the relationship and brush off your attempts to spend time together. People often tell me that they love this person and can’t let them go. Yet, they are disappointed, hurt and experience rejection multiple times a week if not daily. They see letting go of the relationship as giving up. Letting go and giving up are very different things. In letting something go, we are letting go of the expectation that the other party will be able to give us what we need. We are letting go so we can get something better. Giving up…

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