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The Only Constant is Change

By M-Power
We often wish things wouldn’t change. We are content and we are happy, enjoying what is going on in our lives at the moment. Someone once told me, “The only thing you can count on is change.”  As I have experienced decades of birthdays and life, I believe this is true. And, I am O.K. with change. Because it often leads us to better things than I could have imagined. We have been in the process of making changes at Live On Purpose. Changes to our learning platform, our products, and how they are delivered. There will be some changes to our email. We will be sending the weekly email on Mondays. We are changing the name, actually going back to something Vicki suggested years ago. Thanks, Vicki. The look will be similar, with just a few changes to the banner.  The content will remain mostly the same - for…
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Dr. Paul Jenkins

Your New Year’s Stretch

By M-Power
We usually make resolutions because we want to change something in our lives, we want to improve. We believe that by making this change, our lives will be richer and we will be happier. So, why doesn’t everyone make resolutions? Changing means messing with our auto-pilot and that takes us out of our comfort zone. Yet, if we want to attain our goals, we must feel uncomfortable for a while, the same way when we want to become stronger and begin exercising, our muscles are sore for a time. If we want growth, we need to stretch and reach beyond our normal limits. In my recent YouTube Video, “Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone,” I give you 12 hacks to stretch yourself. As you implement these ideas and discover the world does not end, you become more confident and willing to try new things. This is the mindset that will…
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Change Required

By M-Power
When I take the family on road trips to Seattle to visit family, we have to cross the beautiful Cascade mountains.  When weather is such that there is a likelihood of snow over the pass, a big sign over the freeway reads “CHAINS REQUIRED”.  Life gives us many crossroads and unanticipated challenges.  Life’s warning sign may read, “ROUGH ROAD AHEAD, CHANGE REQUIRED.”  The other direction is the more comfortable and easy route where no change is required, but it leads to stuckness.  Robert Frost wrote some timeless lines about this choice…             Two roads diverged in a wood and I—                    I took the one less traveled by.                    And that has made all the difference.   Choose well!
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