Self-Improvement: A Powerful Tool or Evading Personal Responsibility

By M-Power

I am all about self-improvement. Any time I come across a tool or way of thinking that challenges me, I am intrigued. But, don’t call me a self-improvement junkie. Self-improvement junkies indulge in self-help without any action. They read all the latest books, listen to podcasts, watch videos, and attend seminars, but never apply the ideas to their lives. They are seeking validation, but avoiding personal responsibility. They jump from one thing to another and never stick with anything long enough to realize improvements. Self-improvement can help you to develop healthy habits, understand yourself and others, and open up possibilities, but only if you have a purpose and a realistic action plan.  Self-improvement should be viewed as a journey, not a destination. Your self-improvement plan should be based on principles to have lasting effects. If it is based on gimmicks and fads, you will see your results fade away just…

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Your Glass is Always Full of What You Need Most

By M-Power

Is your glass half empty or half full? What if I told you that no matter how much liquid is in your glass, it is always full? In fact, it is overflowing. I touch on this in my book, Pathological Positivity. Your glass is full, all the time. The part that is not liquid is air. How important is air? To everyone I know, it is vital. We are immersed in air constantly and we rarely notice air – unless we don’t have it. Being Pathologically Positive means we look at things differently. We discover an internal power that allows us to see what is in front of us in a different way so we can achieve success. Being Pathologically Positive means that no matter what is going around us, even despair and difficulties, we can be positive and in agent mode. Pathologically Positive people broaden their perspective to see possibilities…

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Rock the Blues out of your Christmas

By M-Power

“I’ll have a blue, blue Christmas, without you.” We know Elvis is singing about unrequited love, but there are many reasons people can be feeling the Holiday Blues. Often other feelings accompany the malaise, including anxiety, loneliness, and stress.  The good news is feelings change and there are things you can do to change your feelings.  Everyone knows that taking care of yourself is the first and best way to reduce stress and manage anxiety, but with the busyness of the season, self-care often gets placed on the, “It’s a nice idea, but not happening,” list.  Get out your list/calendar right now. That may mean getting out an actual planner or pulling out your phone or computer to access your calendar. Do it now. Take a look at your month and begin scheduling some self-care. When are you going to exercise, drink your water, get some sleep, or have time…

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Make Your Days Count

By M-Power

Don’t count the days, make the days count. Soon we will be in full holiday mode. That means the countdowns are about to start. Countdown to Thanksgiving. Countdown to Christmas. Countdown to the bowl games. Countdown to a favorite activity. Countdown to the guests arriving. So many countdowns. Get your advent calendar ready. When we count the days, for whatever reason, it is easy to forget about the value of the day we are living. The one you are experiencing right now. Sometimes we live in so much anticipation of a waited-for day, that we miss today. Don’t let today pass you by. There is much to be grateful for, to experience, and to learn. Make today count by starting that one thing you have been meaning to do.  Make today count by reaching out to that one person who has been on your mind. Make today count by saying…

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Address the Elephant in the Room

By M-Power

It happens in marriages; it happens in families. It happens at work, school and in your community. Problems. There are always problems. News alert: There will always be problems… If you see them as problems. In my book, Pathological Positivity, I talk about “propportunities.”  Instead of seeing a problem, see an opportunity.  Changing the name gets our minds working. We know that words are just words. Words get their power when we attach meaning to them. Problem. The attached meaning is negative, bad, something we want to avoid. Opportunity. The chance to do something. We get to decide the action we will take. Problems seem like they happen to us, without our consent. We become passive and it is easy to slip into victim mode. Opportunities are something we buy into and therefore our chances of handling them in a successful way increase. We also gain valuable personal development when we solve…

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Happy New Year 2022

By M-Power

In my Merry Christmas Email (and I hope you all had a Merry Christmas), I talked about The Feeling of Christmas. The Feeling is something I write about in Chapter 3 of my book, Pathological Positivity.  The Feeling is a universally sought-after emotional state. We seek love, why? To have The Feeling. We seek money, why? To have The Feeling we get from the value we placed on obtaining money. We seek goals, why? To get The Feeling associated with obtaining the goal. We all want The Feeling that life is good.  But, sometimes we just don’t know how to get there.  And that is o.k. because there are tools and knowledge you can learn to guide your journey to The Feeling.  At Live On Purpose we have made many changes this year to get these tools and knowledge into your hands to help you feel The Feeling more often…

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Positivity is Possible in a Pandemic (or anytime)

By M-Power

I don’t know if you have ever written something and looked back at it later and thought, “What was I thinking?” or “Wow, that is still relevant today.”  I did this recently with this excerpt from my book, Pathological Positivity. Remember, I wrote this in 2014 and we know the world has changed a bit in the last seven years.  “What we interpret, reinterpret, create or recreate on purpose with Pathological Positivity becomes what is – and thereby becomes real. We feel successful as soon as we appreciate what is as good, and see what is to be as even better. Like a child excited to open birthday presents, the pathologically positive relish and enjoy the anticipation of great things to come – no matter how things seem here and now.” Is this true in a pandemic? One that has been going on for over a year and still affects…

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How To Overcome The Fear Of Public Speaking

By M-Power

I’ve prepared four strategies to help you overcome your fear of public speaking. It’s actually one of the most common fears. On lists of fears that we have looked at or researched, public speaking comes in ahead of death in terms of what people fear. Jerry Seinfeld picked this up and he said, “You know what that means is the guy giving the eulogy would rather be in the box.” But you know what? It’s not the fear of public Speaking so much as the fear of not speaking well in public. Think about what I’m saying you are not really afraid of speaking. You are afraid of speaking poorly. That will give us some clues as to what you can do to overcome that fear. Dale Dixon is a friend of mine in the National Speakers Association. He wrote a book called, “Sweating Bullets.” It’s all about what we…

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Should I Spend Money On Personal Coaching?

By M-Power

Maybe you’re asking yourself, “Should I spend money on personal coaching?” The quick answer: It depends. And I’ll tell you exactly what it depends on. Let’s start by asking some good questions to hone in on whether that would be a good decision for you. Now, I sell personal coaching, it’s my business. It’s what I do, it’s what I love. But I’m not here to sell you on coaching. I want you to make a good decision about whether you should spend your time and money on this kind of a proposition. Ask yourself: Number 1, “Do I want to learn a new skill or knowledge set?” Hmm, you probably do if you are considering personal coaching. But really, that’s the purpose of doing it in the first place. Some people want to get into coaching and they have no idea of what it is that they are going…

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The Importance Of Positivity And 5 Ways To Increase It

By M-Power

Your brain is created for efficiency and one way it accomplishes this is through neural pathways or programming. Think of cruise control or autopilot. If you want to change your programming, it’s going to take some intention and you are going to have to do this intentionally. The first thing that is required is an intentional decision on your part to increase your positivity. It’s absolutely possible and I can help you if you decide to become more positive. I can tell if somebody is really serious about a declaration or a decision that they state. It shows up in two specific places in their life. It shows up in their calendar and it shows up in their checkbook. They are willing to spend their time and their money to make this happen. If you are not at that level then you probably don’t even have to finish reading this…

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