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Small Course Adjustments for a Smooth Landing

By M-Power
Recently I wrote a post about how we were meant to change. We are not meant to stay the way we are, but are constantly evolving, hopefully for the better as we have experiences and figure things out. As I work with people who want to make changes, they usually want a huge change and they want it fast.  I am reminded that the small changes are what matters. We get to big changes through small adjustments.  My son is a pilot and he tells me that being just one degree off, and not adjusted, will take you off course so you may not even be landing on the correct continent.  In fact, when you fly, you may be off course as much as 90 percent of the time. This is due to air pressure, turbulence, and lots of factors.  What gets you back on course are tiny adjustments. Pilots…
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Mood Rings and America

By M-Power
Remember the mood ring?  You put the ring on your finger and watched the stone change color. It would tell you what you were feeling.  It sounds so silly now, especially since I have learned so much about the brain, but it was fun. Recently I heard someone talking about the mood of America and how bad it was.  And I thought, “Moods change.” Just as easily as we can be in a bad mood, we can also be in a good mood. Our mood is dictated by how we process what is going on around us.  Take a look at what you are taking in. Is the majority of your reading, listening and scrolling of a negative nature? If so, I can almost guarantee that your mood will not feel good to you.  I get it, we want to be informed, we are concerned about what is happening and…
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How Can I Stop Trying To Make Everyone Happy?

By M-Power
This is a topic that I have dealt with and in my 30 year psychology practice, I have had more than one person in my office with the same problem. They are trying to make everyone in their life happy and they are miserable because they feel like they are failing. When they perceive that someone is not happy whom they have taken responsibility for, well, they become miserable.  You see, the one person that you have control over - you - is now subject to any number of other people and how you perceive their happiness. Not that you can really tell. Do you see how impossible this is?  You - can’t - make - everyone - happy! Just not possible. We can do things that please other people, but we are not responsible for their emotional health and happiness. You are responsible for your emotional health, and they…
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Practical Ways You Can Defend Against Suicide

By M-Power
As a psychologist, I talk to people who are struggling with different things. One of the saddest things I have had to deal with is the aftermath of someone dying due to suicide. Last week this hit close to home with people I know and recently a YouTube Comment made me think that it might be time we address this important issue again.  The viewer said her family was doing their best to have a Merry Christmas and continue on after the death of her father-in-law due to suicide. She said it was a surprise and she always thought of her father-in-law as a happy person.  The aftermath of suicide leaves us with so many feelings, sadness, anger, and failure are among some of them. I told my viewer that I was glad her family was looking to the future and trying to have a Merry Christmas.  Whether she knew…
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5 Clues to Know if You are on the Path to Excellence

By M-Power
Have you ever wondered if you are on the right path? The path that will lead to excellence in your life? There are 5 clues that will help you determine if the path you are on is the one that is meant for you. Number 1, do you feel called to the work you are doing? When you have the feeling that what you are doing is your life’s work, you are excited, it lights you up. It is what helps you get through the muck, knowing that this is what you are meant to do. Number 2, You love whatever it is that you are engaged in. You're passionate about it. It adds energy to your life. Live On Purpose TV, Live On Purpose Central and Live On Purpose Radio are the things that get me up in the morning. I love opening up possibilities for people who didn't…
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Psychological Effects of Yelling at Your Kids

By M-Power
Some research has suggested that yelling is just as psychologically damaging to a child as is child abuse. I’m not sure if that is completely true, but yelling can make our children feel that they are not loved. One of the most traumatic experiences for a child is to feel unloved. You know my mantra, love your child no matter what and even if… In case you are feeling slightly uneasy right now, know you are not alone. The researchers also pointed out that almost every parent yells at their child at some point. Spanking and physical or corporal punishment is now considered to be abuse and that leaves parents feeling frustrated, depleted and overwhelmed. So they YELL. I am not talking about the times when your child’s safety is at risk. Of course if there is a car coming and you need to alert your child, you are going…
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The Best Way For KIDS To Totally MANIPULATE Their Parents

By M-Power
One of our younger viewers on our YouTube Channel asked, "Dr. Paul, can you tell us the best way to totally manipulate our parents?" And I can. Parents, before you run screaming away, stick with me because I think you are going to like the final answer. Let's explore a few options first.  Maybe, the best way for you to totally manipulate your parents is to just tell them what they want to hear. You know what they want to hear. So, just tell them that. Vicki, you are a mom. Can you tell if they're doing that? Vicki: Usually I can tell right away. Paul: Can you tell if they're doing that as a parent? Yeah, you can. It stinks a little. I mean you can kind of smell it. You can see it coming. Tell them what they want to hear. Vicki: No. That's not it. Paul: Well…
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How To Stop Overthinking Everything And Find Peace Of Mind

By M-Power
You will either run your mind or your mind will run you. If you have to choose between those two, which one do you want? To run your own mind, you have to know a little bit about how it operates. Metacognition is a made-up word, in psychology all it means is thinking about thinking. I want you to notice that you can do this. Because as you think about your own thinking, we create a little space, and in that space is where choice exists. This will be really important in our strategy to stop overthinking everything and experience some peace. Metacognition, thinking about thinking, turn that on for a moment and I'm going to walk you through a little exercise. I got this idea from a book that I've been reading called, "The Power Of Now," by Eckhart Tolle. It's an amazing, profound book that helps us to…
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