There is No Comfort in Change and no Change in Comfort

By M-Power

“There is no comfort in change and no change in comfort.”  Since the last 16 months have been full of times of discomfort we should have grown a lot. This may not have happened. While I love the quote and think it is true that there is discomfort in change, there is a piece missing.  The intentionality. The purpose. The why. I talk to people who are experiencing discomfort, but doing nothing about it to change anything. You could say they are in their comfort zone, but they would tell you they definitely are not.  The perception is what needs to change and when it does, look out! Big changes are ahead.  As I always say, “It isn’t a choice until you see it as a choice.” Sometimes we can see the choice, but we still choose to stay where we are. It is safe and predictable, we know what…

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Is Your Calendar Controlling Your Life?

By M-Power

I don’t know about you, but my calendar is getting full.  Opportunities that were closed to me a year ago are starting to open up. Part of me says, “Yes!” I have missed this and it feels good to be able to do this again. Part of me thinks, “There were things about a less hectic schedule that were really nice.” Maybe you have had these same conflicting feelings.  I find myself not wanting to go back to being “busy” all the time.  It is good to have choices, we all want options. Could one choice be, I will sit this one out? Do we have to attend every event? Do we have to throw a party because we did last year? The answer is no. We don’t have to do any of those things and perhaps there is a clue in that. If we feel as though we HAVE…

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Never Say Never?

By M-Power

Recently I came across an article entitled, 10 Things You Should Never Do In Life. Now, I was taught not to say never in my writing by the editor of my book, Thomas Cantrell, so I was piqued by the list. I discovered that most of the items were things that were commonly done in life.  Never try smoking, ignore your parents, let anyone control your life, avoid your health, put work over family or friends, spend more than you earn, be judgmental, or quit your dreams. In fact, as I read the list I wondered how the author had decided on these things.  Has he learned them? We most often learn things by making mistakes. Mistakes are doing those things that we shouldn’t. Sometimes we know we shouldn’t and sometimes we don’t. That isn’t really the issue. What is relevant here is that we learn.  Hopefully when the price…

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Eat Your Vegetables and Other Things Your Mother Told You to Do

By M-Power

It’s National Eat Your Vegetables Day We all know we should eat our vegetables, among other things. Yet, how many times do we grab for the brownie and skip the vegetables?  There are other things we know we should do – but we don’t.  Why not? The answers vary. Perhaps fear, perfectionist tendency, comparing ourselves to others, stuck in a routine or the most common reason, the benefits can’t be seen for a long time. How can we get ourselves to do something that will benefit us? I teach a model called easy/hard, hard/easy.  Basically, we default to easy. Whatever will cause us less friction or pain, we default to. Who wants to choose pain when you can have pleasure? Yet, we know that choosing easy now can lead to harder things down the road.  And, choosing harder things now can lead to easier things down the road. Easy –…

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Target Fixation: Staying Focused

By M-Power

Do you know what target fixation is?  A person becomes so fixated on an object that they end up driving into it. I heard a friend talking about it in connection to motorcycle riding. It is one of the most common reasons motorcyclists crash. If the motorcyclist stares at a rock, they are more likely to hit the rock.  Hit the rock? Yes.  A motorcyclist uses miniscule body movements to steer their bike so it is easier for them to hit the rock. It happens in autos also. This explains why people hit cars stopped on the side of the road or drift over into oncoming traffic. If their focus strays off the course of the car, the course of the car shifts to follow the focus of the driver. It also explains most rear-end collisions. The best way to avoid the collision is to look past the distraction, to…

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Information vs. Transformation

By M-Power

In thinking about the topic for today’s email, I googled positivity and came up with 52,300,000 responses.  That is a lot of information. If you had the time to go through and read all the articles and posts, would it make you more positive? Not likely. We can read books about cooking, eat a lot of food, but does that make you a chef?  Not likely. We have to take that information and put it into action before we get the transformation.  Transformation is something that happens after gaining information.  It is a process, not an event. No one and done here. It takes practice and repetition.  It takes messing up and learning where we went wrong.  It takes building muscle memory to create true transformation. We want transformation. That is why we read books, listen to podcasts and pay money for seminars and courses. We want to be better….

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Is Being Grateful Enough?

By M-Power

I am a big believer in being grateful.  Gratitude can help us to feel content. Gratitude can cause a perception shift that leads to growth. Gratitude can help us to look outside ourselves. Gratitude can create connection. We celebrate Memorial Day this weekend and I was thinking about the reason we have this holiday. It started after the Civil War when brother fought against brother and when the death toll was extremely high. National cemeteries were created to bury the dead. And then family and friends flocked to those cemeteries to decorate the graves of their loved ones and mourn their loss. Memorial Day is a time to look back and be grateful for those who have come before and for their sacrifice serving in the military. It led me to think, is being grateful enough? What if those who served had thought, “I am grateful, I don’t need to…

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