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Be A Dorothy

By M-Power
Some people are gift givers. They just seem to have a knack for picking out the right gift for a person and love to see the receiver’s reaction when they open it up. Giving gifts is more important to them than receiving gifts. Over the last year as reports have come out about the pandemic and things have changed, then changed again, and changed again, and again, I have wished I could give some who are having a hard time a gift.  The gift of courage.  Courage to face the future with hope and move forward, even though it seems there are roadblocks along the way. Courage to be more positive and grateful when life isn’t turning out the way we want it to be. Courage to go ahead and take the next step in their journey at work or in love. Courage to dream big and make plans for…
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Answer the What-Ifs

By M-Power
One of the favorite questions of your subconscious mind is “what if…?”  This question can be a powerful force for positive or negative results in your life.  When your mind asks this question about something you fear like, “what if I lose my job?”, or “what if I run out of money?”, or “what if my loved one dies?”, there is a predictable response.  The subconscious cannot tolerate a non-answer, so it makes one up – usually “well I couldn’t handle that!”  This triggers your fight-or-flight response, and you will experience fear, anxiety, and avoidance.  To move beyond this paralysis, you have to intentionally and consciously answer the “what if” questions.  OK then, what WOULD you do if you lost your job, or ran out of money, or lost a loved one?  You will feel yourself avoiding this line of thinking, but push through and answer the “what if?”.  You…
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