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Living On Purpose with Problems

By M-Power
I talk a lot about our purpose but, hey, did you see the logo? Live On Purpose. It seems some people think their purpose is to be free of all problems.  They are going to be happy, they are going to be successful, they are going to be content when they don’t have problems. Do you know anyone who has never had any problems, challenges or obstacles in life? I don’t.  Even babies have problems. They cry because they can’t take care of the problem themselves. Perhaps our purpose in life is not to be free of any problems, challenges, or adversities. Perhaps our purpose is to rise to the challenges we are given. We Live On Purpose when we accept the challenges and use our skills or acquire new ones to deal with the obstacles.  Think about it, if the purpose of life was to not have any problems at…
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Problems vs. Propportunities

By M-Power
In my book, Pathological Positivity, I share a story Richard Paul Evans wrote about a traveler who visits a poor, run down kingdom. He gives the king and his subjects a magic spyglass that when they look through the glass, they do not see the dismal state of things, they see a beautiful scene of what could be. Houses in disrepair appear to be beautiful cottages. Dried up yards appear as lush gardens. Haggard and downtrodden peasants look energetic and happy. Using the images as a blueprint, the king and his subjects work toward a better future. Their circumstances don’t change magically, but they improve as they begin to see how to create a better future. Each of us can create a better future, yet we sometimes limit ourselves by seeing problems, not opportunities. Think of your problems as “propportunities.” Sometimes, just this gentle shift of thinking, puts us in…
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Dr Paul Jenkins

Problem-Solving Life Hack

By M-Power
Problems! We all have them. They vary by size, duration, intensity, and focus. You walk out to your car. It's tilting a little funny and you notice that one of the rear tires is flat. You think, "Oh, great! I don't need this today." Your mind automatically goes to how much it is going to cost to replace the tire. Not only that, you will probably have to replace the other rear tire and maybe you should just do all four. Where will you get the money since you just had to replace your refrigerator? The problem of a deflated tire has now ballooned into financial crisis. You bend down for a closer look at the tire. Someone pulled a prank by letting the air out. All you have to do is pump it up and you are on your way again. You feel a little miffed, a little embarrassed,…
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Hard Things First

By M-Power
Your life is made up of a variety of activities, some of which you really enjoy and look forward to, and some of which you may dread.  The hard stuff seems to always be there waiting for you.  Today there is likely to be at least one challenging task that you just don't want to do.  Move that one to the top of your list and do it first.  Imagine how you will feel when that one thing is behind you rather than in front of you.  Do the hard things first and watch your energy multiply! I often hear people say that I'm lucky to have a job I love.  Personally I don't see how it is luck, when I chose this job. Nikki Stone - Olympic Gold Medalist home owner loans
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Why Are They There?

By M-Power
Occasionally along the path to our dream we encounter giants that stand in our way and threaten us.  In a menacing way, they insist that we turn back, trying to discourage and intimidate.  These giants may be immovable objects, opposing individuals, sluggish systems, or crushing burdens.  In a scene from Harry Potter, the kids encounter a huge three-headed dog-like beast named “Fluffy”.  After fleeing from the beast, Hermione chides the boys a bit for not noticing that the beast was actually guarding something – a trap door.  Ask yourself what your particular giant is guarding.  Only by moving beyond and through the giants can we attain the dream.  Sometimes the brick walls are there only to test how badly we want something.  Make sure you have something bigger than your giant on your side – namely your God, your resolve, and your dreams.
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