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This is Better Than Luck

By M-Power
The Luck of the Irish St. Patrick's Day has a lot of fun traditions. Wear green so you don't get pinched. Eat corned beef and cabbage. (I don't mind the green frosted sugar cookies either). Discover the pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. Find a leprechaun and they have to grant a wish for their release. And, I have been down on my knees more than once searching for the elusive 4-leaf clover. Most of these traditions are associated with luck, and the Irish are sometimes called a lucky people. They seem to be able to land on their feet when adversity comes or make the best of very unfortunate circumstances. More than one Irish immigrant had adversity heaped on them when they came to America and many were not beaten down but rose above. They are a resilient people. They don't give up when times get…
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Stress is Real – Hope is Real

By M-Power
Effects of the Pandemic Spouse, Ex, Children, In-laws Finances Work or lack thereof Politics War It is easy to see why so many people (and you may be one of them) are suffering from stress. The right kind of stress can actually motivate us, but chronic stress is when we perceive that the demands being placed on us are more than we can handle.  Stress is real. Hope is real. You just need to know how to create the hope amidst the turmoil. There has never been a better time for the world to experience The Hope Class and there has never been a better time to register.  In 24 hours Dr. Paul will be LIVE to bring you hope.  Learn how to: Reclaim your mindReclaim your lifeExperience immediate relief from stressEstablish hope for better things to come We hope you can join Dr. Paul tomorrow, March 9th at 10am MST. LIVE…
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Three Magical Letters

By M-Power
Three ordinary letters when placed in the right order can cause a paradigm shift of monumental proportions. Y          E          T As in, "I can't do that!"    -or-     "I can't do that, yet." "I'm not good enough!"    -or-      "I'm not good enough, yet."   "This doesn't work!"      -or-      "This doesn't work, yet." Can you feel the difference? One is closure, the other is open ended. One is a statement, the other has possibility lurking in the pause. We are given permission to acknowledge we have some work to do AND it creates excitement in thinking about future possibilities that will motivate us. Play with it for a minute and see what it does for you. Do you know where I was reminded of this recently? In a child's book, The Magical Yet by Angela DiTerlizzi. And she is so right. There are so…
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The Surprising Truth About Group Coaching

By M-Power
One of the biggest benefits of a membership at Live On Purpose Central is the Group Coaching that occurs there every week. If you are a little wary of group coaching, you are not alone. Yet, it is a powerful tool that has helped many people IF we can get over the hesitation. (And, we can!) Have you ever thought... My problems are unique to me, no one else will understand.  I would NEVER talk about my problems in front of others. I would be afraid they were judging me. How can hearing Dr. Paul talk to another person about their problems with their in-laws help me with my problems with my kids? Or work? Or relationships? The truth is you are not alone. Those in our community have lots of empathy and they are supportive and helpful. What is talked about in the group, stays in the group.  When someone outlines what is…
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The Possibility

By M-Power
Often when I meet people they aren't at the best place they have ever been in their lives. They may have been beaten down by another person, circumstances, the economy, or themselves. Regardless, they often feel that they have tried EVERYTHING. In fact, they tell me they have. There is nothing else for them to do. And I ask them to hold open the possibility that there is something else. There is a possibility that a different way to think exists and that can take them out of the place they feel they are stuck in. It is what is available at Live On Purpose Central, our membership site. Check it out and see if there is a possibility for you in the place where you are stuck. DrPaul
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Choose Love – Always

By M-Power
Love it or Hate it, Your Choice Some people love Valentine's Day. Some people hate it. Some call it SAD (Singles Awareness Day). Some celebrate extravagantly.  Others ignore it. Whatever your feelings, notice something as we approach Valentine's Day. Everything we do is either because of love or hate. We can choose to love. OR We can choose to hate.  Align yourself with love. Become conscience of your choices. When your wife comments that she will finish cleaning the kitchen when she gets home from her meeting, choose love. Get in there and finish the kitchen before she gets home, because you choose love. When your teen is anxious about an upcoming test, tuck a little surprise in their backpack, a quick note that you love them no matter what, or their favorite snack to eat after they are done.  Choose to open the door for someone and give them…
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Positive and Negative Emotions Can’t Co-Exist

By M-Power
Have you noticed how some things can’t exist together? They are both exist, but they can’t inhabit the same space at the same time. Take light and darkness for example. The light may be dim, but there is still light. We can’t place all the light in one part of a room. It is the same with our thoughts. Napoleon Hill said, “Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time. One or the other must dominate. It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind.” For most people this means some cognitive work. For most people default is down and that means negative thoughts. When we begin to think negative thoughts, we have to consciously replace them with positive thoughts. It isn’t enough to get rid of the negative thoughts. Your brain cannot be empty. We call that…
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Forgiveness, What it Is and What it Isn’t

By M-Power
The comment went something like this, "I like the majority of what you say, but I just cannot agree with you on forgiveness. Can you honestly expect someone to forgive their abuser? That is just not o.k. Understanding what forgiveness is and what it isn't will help us to see why we would choose to forgive someone who has hurt us. First of all, let's understand what forgiveness is not. It is NOT saying that what was done is o.k. Abuse should not be tolerated or condoned. It is not o.k. The abuser should be held responsible for their actions. Steps need to be taken to get the abused party in a safe place. One where they will not be abused and can hopefully begin to build relationships where trust is a valued principle. This doesn't happen instantaneously. It is a journey, it takes time. Just because the abuse has stopped doesn't…
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Address the Elephant in the Room

By M-Power
It happens in marriages; it happens in families. It happens at work, school and in your community. Problems. There are always problems. News alert: There will always be problems... If you see them as problems. In my book, Pathological Positivity, I talk about “propportunities.”  Instead of seeing a problem, see an opportunity.  Changing the name gets our minds working. We know that words are just words. Words get their power when we attach meaning to them. Problem. The attached meaning is negative, bad, something we want to avoid. Opportunity. The chance to do something. We get to decide the action we will take. Problems seem like they happen to us, without our consent. We become passive and it is easy to slip into victim mode. Opportunities are something we buy into and therefore our chances of handling them in a successful way increase. We also gain valuable personal development when we solve…
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Happy New Year 2022

By M-Power
In my Merry Christmas Email (and I hope you all had a Merry Christmas), I talked about The Feeling of Christmas. The Feeling is something I write about in Chapter 3 of my book, Pathological Positivity.  The Feeling is a universally sought-after emotional state. We seek love, why? To have The Feeling. We seek money, why? To have The Feeling we get from the value we placed on obtaining money. We seek goals, why? To get The Feeling associated with obtaining the goal. We all want The Feeling that life is good.  But, sometimes we just don’t know how to get there.  And that is o.k. because there are tools and knowledge you can learn to guide your journey to The Feeling.  At Live On Purpose we have made many changes this year to get these tools and knowledge into your hands to help you feel The Feeling more often…
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