Insights & Strategies for a Purposeful Life
Explore expert advice, powerful mindset shifts, and practical tools to help you overcome challenges, build resilience, and create lasting success.

That's a thought. If you have listened to me long enough, you have probably heard me say this. How we think changes how we act. Either we show up and go for it, or we don't. Whatever you choose to do or not do was preceded by a thought. Either, “I am going to give this a try,” or “I can't do that.” So, the next time you find yourself spouting limiting thoughts, tell yourself, “That's a thought.” That really is all it is. A thought. And thoughts can change. Tell yourself something different. “If I do _______, then I will be able to do _________.” “How can I get to ___________?” Challenge your thoughts and see just how creative

10 Things You Should Never Say To Your Child
I talk a lot in my positive psychology practice about things you should do, or try to do, or say to your kids. Today, while giving you 10 things to never say to your child, I am not trying to be negative, but help you to understand that what we

Winning A Custody Battle – Four Things You Must Do
There are four things that you must do to win a custody battle, but they are probably not what you would expect. As a professional psychologist, 13 years of my career was committed to doing child custody evaluations for the court before I switched over to positive psychology. Here is

How To Apologize To Your Child For Yelling
Even with our best efforts, sometimes we do it. We lose our cool and yell at our kids. How do you apologize to your child for yelling? We can learn something from our kids. You know when your kids are kind of conflicted with each other and they end up

How To Overcome Addictions with Blu Robinson
Paul: There are a few people on this planet that understand a whole lot about how to overcome addictions, and I have one of the best to help me talk about overcoming addictions. Blu Robinson is the founder and director of Addict to Athlete. Just think about that title for

How To Motivate Lazy Young Adults
I get asked this question so I've put together some tips for you today about how to motivate lazy young adults. I am going to assume you are a parent or an employer trying to motivate a young adult on your team. What can you do? Step number 1, lose

How To Motivate Lazy Young Adults
Hi! Dr. Paul here again. I've got some tips for you today about how to motivate lazy young adults. I am going to assume you are a parent or an employer trying to motivate a young adult on your team. What can you do? Step number 1, lose the lazy.

How To Have A Good Divorce
Before I tell you how to have a good divorce, I have to tell you how to have a terrible, nasty, caustic divorce. This works really well. Step 1, blame someone for your misery. And you know who to blame too, don't you? Yeah, you do. It's not too hard

How To Deal With A Perfectionist Husband
Vicki, I'm not sure if I'm really a qualified perfectionist. Maybe I used to. Vicki: Probably a lot more. Paul: I think there were times when I was really kind of uptight about things, like they need to be a certain way, and I've since abandoned that for something that's

How To Confront Your Husband About Flirting
I wish we didn't have to talk about this, but one of my YouTube viewers wanted me to address this question. How to confront your husband about flirting. Big reveal, I have a bias. I believe in complete faithfulness and fidelity inside of a marriage. I don't think there is

How To Get Motivated to Clean When Depressed?
It's hard to feel like doing anything when you are depressed. The 5 tips I'm going to share with you come with a disclaimer. When you're depressed, almost everything that would improve your condition, you don't feel inclined to do. You already know this, right? Like think positive. Okay, that

How To Deal With A Child With Narcissistic Personality Disorder
We get a lot of requests from viewers of Live On Purpose TV. Here's a new one: “Dr. Paul, will you address how to deal with a child with a narcissistic personality disorder?” I've got you. I think I understand where this question is coming from. Because I've worked with

The Importance of Playing With Your Child
We talk a lot about discipline and other positive parenting techniques here on the channel. Today, we're getting into the importance of playing with your child. Vicki, and I had a chance recently to visit with the Langley child care providers up in Langley British Columbia. It was a beautiful

How to Help A Child Overcome Fear
My training is primarily as a child psychologist and I've helped a lot of kids overcome fear. I'm going to bounce back and forth just a little bit today between talking to you as a parent and showing you how I might talk to a child about fear and how

How To Save Your Second Marriage Before it Even Starts
I know some principles that could really help you as you contemplate a second marriage. Second marriage? There is a story behind that and everybody's got their own story. I don't know exactly what your story is. But it implies that you already had one. Now, whether you are out

What Do You Do With A Child With Anger Management Issues
We all have times when anger just takes over. What about our little ones? Well, their minds are even littler. What do you do with a child with anger management issues? It's completely normal for a child to experience anger as they move through the different developmental stages. You'll notice

5 Quick Ways to Stop Being Irritated So Easily
Tired of feeling irritated so much? Well your life is about to get a whole lot better because I've got 5 quick ways for you to stop being irritated so much. First off, you are never wrong about how you feel. How you feel is 100% consistent with the way

How Do You Stay in Love with Someone?
Are you wondering how do you stay in love with someone? There's some psychological tips and tricks to this that I think might help. First, let's define what love is. It's important however to notice that love is a choice. And I think of it more as a verb than

How To Protect My Child On The Internet
It's a risky world out there, especially on the internet. I have four clear pointers for you today on how to protect your child while on the internet. Before we get into those four points, let's talk about risk briefly. There are three things that you can do about risk.

The Power of Positive Parenting Teens
You already know about the power of positive parenting, but what about with your teenager? Vicki, I think we've both heard this from parents that we've worked with, when their teenager is a little out of control or giving them some challenges. And they say something like, “This is not

How To Get Someone To Like You
We've all wondered it from time to time how do you get someone to like you. You know what? I learned this from some little kids. I've shared with you before that I spent (Wow) probably 12 or 13 years of my career doing child custody evaluations. I did a

How To Help Kids With Listening Skills
Paul: We are not going to jump into all of the psychological aspects of listening so much as the actual mechanics and skills that are associated with listening, and I have Vicki helping me with this as she works will this all the time. Vicki: There is something called central

How To Overcome Fear and Anxiety
Fear and anxiety are probably the biggest barriers to our success and happiness. Fear, anxiety, and nervousness are very common human experiences but, it's something that gets in our way. And sometimes robs us of our joy and success. Now, to understand this, let's just take a look first at

How To Improve Communication in Marriage
Give me a few short minutes here today and I can help you improve communication in your marriage. Let's start with the basic communication model that I teach in leadership training, in couple’s seminars in anything that involves communication. It starts with an understanding of where the message is going.

How to Parent a Pregnant Teenager
Teenage pregnancy. As parents, sometimes the last thing on your mind is when your kids will become parents. And, especially before you expect that to happen, when a teenage pregnancy occurs. I think the very first thing we need to pay attention to is our own reaction. That's going to