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Challenge Throwdown – Hate or Love

By M-Power
Up for the challenge? Of course, we are going to pick love. We are decent people. Now think of a difficult person you have to deal with in your life? Maybe it is a boss, co-worker, neighbor, or teenager. Do you always pick love? Ugh! In my book, The Love Choice, three steps are given to Choose Hate and three steps to Choose Love so you can see what happens when we make the choice. We should always choose love, not only when dealing with pleasant people, but when we deal with difficult people – always. Your reaction to the difficult person has something to do with your love or hate choice due to something in psychology that you might have heard of, the Confirmation Bias. This is the tendency our minds have to look for, discover and create evidence that we are right. This means we have something to…
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9 Secrets to Build a Healthier Relationship

By M-Power
Successful relationships are not magic, and they are not due to luck. At Live On Purpose TV you will find how to build better relationships with the YouTube video, “9 Secrets to Build a Healthy Relationship.” Dr. John Gottman has done some incredible research on marital relationships. His findings translate to almost any relationship we experience. He says that 70% of problems in relationship are unresolvable. How does that make you feel? Relieved or exasperated? All it really says is that we are different and can expect conflict because of our differences, but differences by themselves aren’t bad. They are what give us a reason to have a relationship. Differences are what make us interesting and relevant to each other. And, these differences were found in couples who reported themselves as happily married and those who reported not being happy in their marriage. The 9 Secrets to Build a Healthy Relationship will…
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Surprise! Expect the Unexpected???

By M-Power
Surprise! Expect the Unexpected We are told to “plan” our lives and then told to expect the unexpected. Huh? Might as well not even plan, right? WRONG! In my YouTube video, Coping With Chronic Illness and Disability, I outline principles we can use when life says, “Surprise!” to create an inspiring outcome. Everyone's life Surprise will look different but these principles help us make our life inspiring despite of or even because of our Surprise! I love interviewing inspiring people on my podcast. Every story has a hard part that hits out of nowhere and though the individual may be stuck for a bit, I have found that every one of them decides at some point they are going to pick a position that works for them. Think about the things you CAN do despite your challenge, that opens up opportunity. Next, decide your attitude toward the challenge. Well, you may say, “It hurts,” “it…
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Problems vs. Propportunities

By M-Power
In my book, Pathological Positivity, I share a story Richard Paul Evans wrote about a traveler who visits a poor, run down kingdom. He gives the king and his subjects a magic spyglass that when they look through the glass, they do not see the dismal state of things, they see a beautiful scene of what could be. Houses in disrepair appear to be beautiful cottages. Dried up yards appear as lush gardens. Haggard and downtrodden peasants look energetic and happy. Using the images as a blueprint, the king and his subjects work toward a better future. Their circumstances don’t change magically, but they improve as they begin to see how to create a better future. Each of us can create a better future, yet we sometimes limit ourselves by seeing problems, not opportunities. Think of your problems as “propportunities.” Sometimes, just this gentle shift of thinking, puts us in…
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Dr Paul Jenkins

Problem-Solving Life Hack

By M-Power
Problems! We all have them. They vary by size, duration, intensity, and focus. You walk out to your car. It's tilting a little funny and you notice that one of the rear tires is flat. You think, "Oh, great! I don't need this today." Your mind automatically goes to how much it is going to cost to replace the tire. Not only that, you will probably have to replace the other rear tire and maybe you should just do all four. Where will you get the money since you just had to replace your refrigerator? The problem of a deflated tire has now ballooned into financial crisis. You bend down for a closer look at the tire. Someone pulled a prank by letting the air out. All you have to do is pump it up and you are on your way again. You feel a little miffed, a little embarrassed,…
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Dr. Paul Jenkins

Your New Year’s Stretch

By M-Power
We usually make resolutions because we want to change something in our lives, we want to improve. We believe that by making this change, our lives will be richer and we will be happier. So, why doesn’t everyone make resolutions? Changing means messing with our auto-pilot and that takes us out of our comfort zone. Yet, if we want to attain our goals, we must feel uncomfortable for a while, the same way when we want to become stronger and begin exercising, our muscles are sore for a time. If we want growth, we need to stretch and reach beyond our normal limits. In my recent YouTube Video, “Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone,” I give you 12 hacks to stretch yourself. As you implement these ideas and discover the world does not end, you become more confident and willing to try new things. This is the mindset that will…
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