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Grateful for Abundance

Grateful For Abundance

By M-Power
“Buy now while supplies last! Get while the getting is good. All good things must come to an end.” There is never enough. Never enough good deals. Never enough stuff in our closet or garage. Never enough time, money, love, attention. Sometimes we operate in a constant perception of scarcity. From a position of scarcity, not only can we never have enough, we can never do enough, or be enough. This scarcity focus starts first thing in the morning with a depressed groan, “I never get enough sleep.” “I don’t have the energy to do this.” “I don’t have time.” In scarcity mode we constantly feel overwhelmed and dissatisfied. We always need more. Scarcity perception causes us to grab, hoard, cling to, all we can. We are there in force on Black Friday (which is now creeping in on Thursday). We shop in a feeding frenzy, climbing over and pushing…
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The Gratitude Channel

By M-Power
Whatever is on your mind right now is kind of like the channels on your TV.  How did you happen to choose the channel you are watching anyway?  Have you wondered recently what might be playing on the other channels that you are not watching currently?  I have known for a long time now that there is power – power that can literally change your life – to be found on the gratitude channel.  See what’s playing on your gratitude channel, and a switch will flip in your mind which will enable you to move beyond some of the snags that have kept you bound up.  Here are a few suggestions for changing the channel:bad creditpersonal loansOnline Payday Loans In Kentucky ·         Walk into a grocery store and contemplate how thankful you are for the abundance of food that is available to you.really need a loan ·         Notice a piece…
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