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If Only I had Spent More Time at the Office

Work and Life Balance

By M-Power
This might be a misnomer – can we ever really balance it? Maybe the goal here is to be clear about priorities. Do you want to have everything balanced, or do you want to spend most of your time where it matters most at the right times? One way to prioritize your time, efforts, and resources is to focus on five key relationships. Here's how it stacks up: Your Creator - I'm not your spiritual leader, but I acknowledge here that we all have to come to terms with our source. Your Self - Most people forget that this is actually a relationship, and thereby neglect one of the most important ones. Your Family - And within family there is a lineup as well: Spouse Children Extended Other People - Including clients, coworkers, customers, starving children in Africa. Things - Including money and property In my experience, keeping these key…
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Enough Time

By M-Power
When you say you don't have enough time you are always lying. Everyone has exactly the same amount of time - 24 hours every day - not a minute more or less. You will spend all of it every day, and then you get a new allotment of 24 hours the next day. The frustration comes in sacrificing things of greater value. If we spend our precious time on things that aren't really that important to us, we will feel that our time is wasted. Commit to spending your time as carefully as you would spend your money on the things that you really want. The key is not to prioritize what's on the schedule, but to schedule your priorities. - Stephen Covey Calling all parents! - Register now for Parental Power - Dr. Paul
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Five Key Relationships

By M-Power
I’ve been thinking a lot about our key relationships as I prepare for our couples retreat this weekend.  Obviously we are emphasizing the relationship with a spouse for this event, but there are five key relationships in our life – they are:  Your Relationship With Your Creator Your Relationship With Yourself Your Relationship With Your Family Spouse Children Extended Family Your Relationship With Other People Your Relationship With Things  I have found that the happiest people I know have these relationships prioritized and in this order.  Getting them out of order tends to throw things out of whack.  Get them lined up and start realizing the happiness you were meant to enjoy.
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