Challenge Throwdown – Hate or Love

By M-Power

Up for the challenge? Of course, we are going to pick love. We are decent people. Now think of a difficult person you have to deal with in your life? Maybe it is a boss, co-worker, neighbor, or teenager. Do you always pick love? Ugh! In my book, The Love Choice, three steps are given to Choose Hate and three steps to Choose Love so you can see what happens when we make the choice. We should always choose love, not only when dealing with pleasant people, but when we deal with difficult people – always. Your reaction to the difficult person has something to do with your love or hate choice due to something in psychology that you might have heard of, the Confirmation Bias. This is the tendency our minds have to look for, discover and create evidence that we are right. This means we have something to…

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Dr. Paul Jenkins

Your New Year’s Stretch

By M-Power

We usually make resolutions because we want to change something in our lives, we want to improve. We believe that by making this change, our lives will be richer and we will be happier. So, why doesn’t everyone make resolutions? Changing means messing with our auto-pilot and that takes us out of our comfort zone. Yet, if we want to attain our goals, we must feel uncomfortable for a while, the same way when we want to become stronger and begin exercising, our muscles are sore for a time. If we want growth, we need to stretch and reach beyond our normal limits. In my recent YouTube Video, “Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone,” I give you 12 hacks to stretch yourself. As you implement these ideas and discover the world does not end, you become more confident and willing to try new things. This is the mindset that will…

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Until You See it as a Choice, It’s Not

By M-Power

You’ve heard it before right? Happiness is a choice. That can sometimes be offensive, especially when I’m not feeling happy. What are you saying? That it’s my fault?! The thing is, until we see it as a choice, it’s not. This is because of a process in our own mind that puts most of our thinking on auto-pilot. We don’t even think about things that we have already programmed into the neural pathways of our mind, so the very processes causing our emotional experience are not even noticed. They are obvious, but unnoticed, until they are called to our attention. This is why I love my job so much – I get to illuminate the obvious, which puts people in position to actually have more choice and control. I’ve summarized the two main processes that make happiness a choice (evaluation and creation) in this 16-minute video. Will you help me share…

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Secret to Positivity

How To Stay Positive

By M-Power

Have you wondered how to stay positive when things are so hard? Our mind is an amazing tool that, when properly used, can assist us to stay in positivity mode no matter what. Take ten minutes to give yourself the gift of understanding how to operate the equipment of your own mind. This video is a quick summary of how our imagination serves us in two separate and important processes of our mind – evaluation and creation. Worry is the misuse of imagination ~ Dan Zadra

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Down is Default

By M-Power

Why can it be so hard to stay positive? Why is it so easy to get sucked into the negativity trap? Unless there is some force to the contrary, Mother Nature’s default is downhill. Mountains erode, buildings crumble, roads deteriorate, bridges eventually collapse. Rain falls, hits the ground, and flows downhill. This is good. If water didn’t flow downhill, we’d never get rain and it would be pretty much impossible to irrigate the veggies growing out back. Water follows a course of least resistance down through a hoed row in a garden then down to a lower row, and so on. On its way down the row, water sinks down through the soil to the roots of the plants. But what if your garden is uphill from the water source? How do you get the water to flow up? Change the default. Apply constant positive pressure to reverse the default and…

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Completely Full

By M-Power

You’ve heard the question a hundred times:             “Is the glass half empty or half full?”             If we are operating in noxious negativity mode we see the glass as half empty. It is absolutely true. It is half empty. Of course it is. Any dang fool can see it’s half empty. When we are feeling negative, we focus on what is missing and lament the lack of water in the glass.             When we are feeling more positive, we see the glass as half full. Of course it is half full. Anyone can see that. We focus on what we desire, and celebrate the presence of water.             Then there are those who see it as completely full – all the time. These seemingly crazy people are not just positive; they are what this psychologist calls pathologically positive. Pathological Positivity is an empowering mental supernormality that lifts us above the normal perception of “reality.” It…

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