Pass On Positivity

We know what it means to “pay it forward” or “random acts of .” 

What about “passing on ?”

It is easy to do and can be done anywhere. It will make a huge impact in creating a more positive environment.

Start by looking outward. Notice your environment and specifically the in your environment.

Then smile and look for good. 

Look for something to compliment someone else on.

Or see where a word of encouragement could be appreciated.

You can also make an effort to engage in positive

Do this by asking a leading question. You seem to really x, tell me more about it.

What lights you up? When was the last time you laughed really hard?

You can start a group to have a positive impact in your . The possibilities are endless.

You can get more generous with your time and offer to other people in need. Finally, you can by example and act as a role model for others to follow. 

I'm glad you are a part of our positive mindset community. 

Power-up YOUR positivity, then power-up someone else's.

You got this!


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