Do you hear the voices? Some people get a little nervous when I ask them this question. I'm a shrink, and I'm asking if you hear the voices? But we all hear them. You might even hear one right now saying, “What voices? I don't know what he's talking about.” That's the voice I mean.
Sometimes the voices are loud and clear. At other times they are not much more than a whisper. It is the whisper voice that I want to call to your attention today. The little whisper voice that says, “Hold the door for her.” The almost imperceptible, “Call him today just to let him know you are thinking about him.” The subtle but powerful, “Say something to bring a smile to the child's face.” The potentially life-saving, “Thank the cashier for their kind and professional service.”
Small? Quiet? Perhaps. And something that improves the human condition.
Heed the whisper.
We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.
~ Mother Teresa