Change Your Words, Change Your Mindset

By M-Power

I saw this message on a board this week and the truth leapt out. Our words can either limit us or help us to grow. And we have the choice of which words we use and listen to. “I messed up.” OK, well, who hasn’t. What if we changed the words to, “What can I learn from this experience?” “This is really hard.” Whatever you are doing is probably hard, because every time we do something for the first time it is difficult. We don’t have the muscle memory to know how to act. What if we changed the words to, “I need more/other skills to help me get better at this.” “I’m not good at this.” Michael Jordan was told he wasn’t good at basketball, but he kept practicing. What if we changed the words to, “I will keep practicing so I can get better at this.” “I give…

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Little Known Byproduct of Forgiveness

By M-Power

Forgiveness can be hard for some people. Forgiveness is also a powerful emotion that can have a lasting impact on both personal and work life. When some people are holding back forgiveness from someone who sincerely is sorry and is trying to change it may be helpful to keep in mind an important byproduct of forgiveness. Forgiveness can help to foster loyalty between two people. I don’t know of any relationship where there has been perfect communication and understanding of where the other person was coming from, past hurts and disappointments and grace given always in abundance. Perhaps because there are no perfect people. Communication can be confusing. We aren’t at our best every day of our lives. We may be sick, upset about something, sleep deprived. Without forgiveness the disagreement can moulder and fester. With forgiveness the bond can become stronger which leads to increased loyalty. In the workplace,…

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Get Your Free Book

By M-Power

My friend, Sue Meintjes, has just released a new ebook called “How To Get Kids To Listen”, containing 18 short interviews with leading parenting experts. And, yes, I’m one of the featured interviews. I was so impressed with all the content, I arranged for you to get a copy for free. It features 10-minute interviews with leading parenting experts who share their single best strategy to get your kids to listen and cooperate…without yelling and begging! Some of the chapters include: You can get your free copy of this ebook by clicking here: I hope you enjoy this valuable gift. I know it will help you get your kids to cooperate more, while at the same time building a deeper, more positive relationship with them. You can download it here: DrPaul

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You Are Canceled!

By M-Power

Canceled! If you are on social media or watch the news you will see that people are increasingly quick to “cancel” someone they don’t agree with. Canceling someone is publicly denouncing them and seeking to ruin their reputation or career. This practice is so common that it is now considered a form of online activism.  This article is not about determining when and if it is ok to cancel someone or talk about specific instances. We can benefit from standing back a bit and considering if there are other ways we can go about standing up for what we believe and making a difference without canceling people. The dangers of canceling people are not to be taken lightly. Canceling someone can have serious consequences for BOTH the person who is canceled and the ones who are canceling. There may be a benefit to not canceling the person and employing some…

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Spring Clean Your Mind

By M-Power

Spring is a time of renewal and growth and MAYBE a time to brush away a few cobwebs. Those hanging from the ceiling and those in other areas of our lives. Capitalize on the fresh air and increased light to jump-start your motivation and energy to get a new perspective in your home, your habits, or even your relationships. You can do some spring cleaning that may affect your mental health positively. Choose to clean out a closet. Pull out everything and only put those things back in that you have touched or used in the past 12 months (or less), Get some baskets and organize the shoes, outdoor wear, hats, etc. Donate the things you don’t need. Giving to others can lift our spirits. Having an organized closet can clear your mind, and give you increased energy and motivation. Check out the Minimal Mom, our friend, Dawn Madsen for…

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Spring Forward to a Good Night’s Sleep

By M-Power

As if getting a good night’s sleep isn’t tough enough for some people, recently we threw in Daylight Savings Time in the United States. It reminded me about the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep. (And, there are many). Sleep helps to restore the body, improve memory and concentration, and boost mood. It also helps to strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. And most importantly, it helps us to live a life of positivity.  Getting enough sleep is essential for living a healthy, positive life. One of the major benefits of getting a good night’s sleep is that it helps to improve your cognitive function. A good night’s sleep can help to improve your memory and concentration, as well as your ability to think clearly and make decisions.  Any parent will tell you that it is easier to stay calm and not yell when you have had enough…

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The Next Right Thing

By M-Power

Life can be overwhelming. Sometimes it is difficult to know what is the right thing to do. Sometimes it is hard to find the courage and strength to do the next thing. When you feel overwhelmed, you just want the problem to go away.  Take a deep breath and repeat: “I don’t have to solve this all today, I just need to be brave, cling to hope, and do the next right thing.”  You don’t have to have all the answers today.  Remember the old joke about how to eat an elephant? One bite at a time.  Feel the pressure lift off your shoulders. The entire problem does not need to be solved today. Focus on the task present – today. A series of small steps will make a big difference.  Even when you know the next right thing to do, it can feel scary or uncertain.Take comfort in knowing…

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The Best Way To Help the World is To Develop Your Talents

By M-Power

In a world where resources are increasingly scarce and things can seem out of our control, developing one’s talents can be a powerful way of making a positive impact.  For starters, developing your talents can lead to a more fulfilled and meaningful life. There’s no denying that when you focus on honing your skills, you can be more productive, more creative, and more successful.  It can also give you a sense of purpose and direction, allowing you to focus on something you are passionate about.  BONUS: When you are focused in this way, the difficult parts of life can seem less draining. The real power of developing your talents, however, is that it can be used to create something that can benefit the world.  Some people make a career out of their talents and I appreciate those people more than I can say. When I listen to my daughter play…

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Developing Positive Habits Through Checklists

By M-Power

Positive habits get us to our goals. The tricky part is breaking habits that aren’t helping us achieve our goals and establishing positive habits that help to reach those goals. I have a hack for you. Checklists A checklist is simply a list of tasks to be completed. It is that simple, but remember – simple is not always easy. A checklist helps to stay focused and is a reminder of the objective. Almost everyone has used a checklist when they go to the grocery store.  It helps you remember the items you need and can help to limit spending and eat better (if we stick to the list). The same benefits are available in any other area of life.  Checklists are a simple yet powerful tool that can help us form positive habits because it forces us to stay focused on the tasks necessary to reach our goals.  If you are a visual person,…

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Knowing is Half the Battle – Get the Other Half

By M-Power

“Knowing is half the battle.” You can’t really win half the battle. You have still lost in the end. Knowing is not doing. You can have the best, most strategic battle plan, but until you put it into action you don’t even have half a chance of winning. Knowing and doing are two very different things, and often the gap between the two can be the greatest challenge when it comes to achieving success.  Knowing is just the beginning – it is the first step in a process to achieve anything. Knowing is important because it gives us the information and understanding that we need to make decisions and take action. It is the foundation of any plan or goal, so it is essential that we take the time to gain knowledge and insight into the situation. Doing, on the other hand, is the implementation of that knowledge.  It is…

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