Insights & Strategies for a Purposeful Life

Explore expert advice, powerful mindset shifts, and practical tools to help you overcome challenges, build resilience, and create lasting success.

That's a thought. If you have listened to me long enough, you have probably heard me say this. How we think changes how we act. Either we show up and go for it, or we don't. Whatever you choose to do or not do was preceded by a thought. Either, “I am going to give this a try,” or “I can't do that.” So, the next time you find yourself spouting limiting thoughts, tell yourself, “That's a thought.” That really is all it is. A thought. And thoughts can change. Tell yourself something different. “If I do _______, then I will be able to do _________.” “How can I get to ___________?” Challenge your thoughts and see just how creative

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How To Avoid A Nervous Breakdown

I've got four very practical steps for you today to avoid a nervous breakdown. The first one has to do with your body. I want you to move, fuel, and rest your body appropriately. This is really important, folks. I get the question all the time, “Is this a psychological

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How To Stay Positive At Work

What? You have a job? I emphasize that right up front because there are so many people who don't. That's really a first step to being positive at work is realizing that you've got work. How cool and amazing is that? Focus on that abundance and that's going to change

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How To Do Hard Things

Learning how to do hard things will propel you forward faster than anything I know. A good place to start is to clarify why. Why do hard things? Because they are hard. Well, yeah. That's why we call them hard things. I've learned this: You get to have either hard-easy

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How To Manage Your Time Effectively

Time management is a myth. Did that surprise you? I know that's a bold statement but think about it. Can you manage time? Do you have some control over the grand cosmic scheme of things that you can actually manage it? Some people think about saving time. Where would you

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How To Heal From A Traumatic Experience

Some of our viewers of Live On Purpose TV ask for help in healing from a traumatic experience. I think it's universal because we all have traumatic things happen to us. Have you noticed that stuff happens and it's not always stuff that we had planned and things just come

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School-Based Crime Prevention Programs

School-based crime prevention programs can be enormously effective and I'll give you a few reasons why that is the case. ‘Twas a dangerous cliff, as they freely confessed, Though to walk near its crest was so pleasant. But over its terrible edge there had slipped A duke and full many

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How To Teach Kids Table Manners?

Paul: So, Vicki, here's the thing. Kids don't come pre-programmed to follow all of your rules and especially when it comes to something like table manners. Vicki: All manners are learned. Paul: If you don't believe this, just watch your animals. Vicki: Well… Remember that manners are really more related

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How To Love Yourself: Three Powerful Ways

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our jobs as parents or in our relationships and we are really good at loving people but not so good at loving ourselves. I have three powerful steps that you take to love yourself. I really like to think of love as a

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How Do You Improve A Child’s Concentration?

Paul: We have both had some experience with this. Vicki, I know you have. How do you improve a child's concentration? We have a number of ideas for you. First, maybe a disclaimer. Concentration can be affected by a lot of different factors. Vicki: And it's kind of hard to

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How To Help A Child With Executive Functioning Problems

One of our YouTube viewers asked, “How do you help a child with executive functioning problems?” First off as Vicki and I discuss this, (we both have some experience professionally with the topic), It's important to acknowledge that this is not a diagnosis, and sometimes it's treated that way. When

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How To Get A Child To Listen The First Time

As parents we have a lot of challenges and one I get asked all the time is, “How do I get my kid(s) to listen the first time I say something?” You know what I mean, not the third, fifth, twelfth or when I lose my cool and yell? I've

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How To Help A Child With ADHD Without Medication

When I shifted over to positive psychology, I quit giving diagnoses to my clients. I haven't done it in a decade. And yet, my experience in child psychology had me working a lot with children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD. Whether your child has a legitimate diagnosis or

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The Importance Of Positivity And 5 Ways To Increase It

Your brain is created for efficiency and one way it accomplishes this is through neural pathways or programming. Think of cruise control or autopilot. If you want to change your programming, it's going to take some intention and you are going to have to do this intentionally. The first thing

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How To Motivate A Lazy Teenager

Teenagers aren't lazy, they are just really efficient in how they use their time. I'm guessing that since you are the one reading this blog, you are not the lazy teenager, but you may know one. You are probably a parent of one. If you are a teenager and you

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What Age Should A Teenage Girl Start Dating?

Paul: One of our YouTube viewers recently asked, “What age should a teenage girl start dating?” There's a lot of considerations. Let's go over 4 of those today. You know, Vicki, it's interesting how this comes up in the questions and comments that we get here on the YouTube channel.

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How To Deal With A Rude Disrespectful Child

Vicki: What a challenge, dealing with a rude disrespectful child That is so hard. It sets things off inside you really fast. Paul: That's something that triggers parents more than anything. Vicki: Yeah, yep. So, the very first thing maintaining respect yourself. This is a challenge when someone is being

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Rebuilding A Relationship After A Separation

Why are we even having this conversation? Because it's challenging, it's difficult. If you're in a relationship with someone and then a separation occurs, usually that separation is a result of a number of different factors. And you know what they are, right? Oftentimes, it's because there were some difficulties,

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How To Deal With The Loss Of A Pet

It's one of the most gut-wrenching things I've had to deal with in recent years. How to deal with the loss of a pet. I'm going to approach this topic from two perspectives because you might be considering how you or someone you love is going to deal with the

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How To Stop Worrying About Money

Money is one of the most common things that people worry about. How do you stop worrying about money? I've got 3 easy steps for you today, and the last one is the most powerful. Step one is understanding worry. We are going to stop worrying about money. Let's understand

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How To Help A Child With Reactive Attachment Disorder

A viewer of Live On Purpose TV asked, “How do I help a child with reactive attachment disorder?” I've got at least seven ideas to share with you about that. Reactive attachment disorder is something that you may or may not know about already. Most parents who are familiar with

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What You Should Know Before Writing A Book

I've now written three books with a few more coming, and I think I know a few things that could save you some time. These three books have taught me a lot about what you need to know in order to write a book or before you write it. The

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Self-Calming Techniques For Preschoolers

Some of our viewers have asked for some self-calming techniques for their preschoolers. I think we can help you with that. Vicki: Young children really don't have emotional self-regulation. It is pretty common for them to be out of control, and so, learning self-soothing techniques is going to take some

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Understanding And Fixing Low Self-Esteem

Let's take on the understanding of low self-esteem first. One of my college professors was a leading researcher in this field. Dr. Richard Bednar and his colleagues did a landmark study back in the 80’s that was published by the American Psychological Association that shook up what we knew about

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How To Deal With Girl Bullies In Middle School

Bullying in general is something that we've got to address a little bit better in our communities. It's becoming more of a problem all over the planet.  The specific topic of today's video has to do with adolescents which bullying tends to increase as we get into those adolescent years,

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