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A commercial (which will not be named), came on during a perfectly family friendly show and a conversation ensued about how the world is changing. A few longed for the good ol’ days. Funny thing is, the good ol’ days mean something different to each generation and do we really wish our world was static? Let’s go back to the good ol’ days of outhouses and horse and buggies with the pony express. No takers? Fact is, “The Times They Are A Changin’,” sort of.

One thing that doesn’t change in our world are principles. Principles, when identified and applied, ground us in an ever-changing world. When we align our behavior with principles, we have a framework from which to guide our lives and have a better chance of ending up where we want to go, no matter what is happening around us.

Think about an area in your life where you perceive yourself as “losing.” Look for the principles that others have used to find success. Marriage not going so great? You may need to discover principles of kindness, forgiveness or gratitude. Things not so great at work? You may need to discover principles of respect, preparation, or openness. Parenting problems? You may need to discover principles of consistency, service, or acceptance.  

Foundational principles, identified and applied will change your life for the better. I challenge you to choose an area of your life that could be better. Discover principles that lead to success and become a winner. No matter what is happening in the world around us, we can enjoy success and happiness when we base our behavior on principles.

“There are three constants in life… change, choice, and principles.” ~Stephen Covey

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  • Good job, Paul! A worthy philosophy it is to enhance one’s progress by focusing on fundamentally positive principles and letting them guide you in your approach to problems and people. You are a Pathologically Positively Principled P-sychologist!