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The Choice

By April 2, 20083 Comments

I want to put a warning out there to all of my friends.  The warning has to do with a deception that is creating a lot of havoc in the lives of unsuspecting people everywhere.  This deception is the most prevalent and potentially dangerous of any I know, and a major part of your energy should be dedicated to identifying and combating it – for if you are deceived by it, your life will predictably become miserable as a result.  The deception of which I speak is the belief that you have no choice.  This is the most damaging part of a victim paradigm.  What happens to you or around you in your life is not nearly as important as what happens within you.  You can’t always control what is happening, but you will always retain what Viktor Frankl called “the last of human freedoms” – to choose your attitude in ANY given set of circumstances. 

Choose wisely!

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  • Rithban says:

    My improvement in fitness is entirely my choice. I have no desire to binge or slack off because I have choice. I choose increased health… and behold, here it comes!

  • wendikelly says:

    My children hate it when I tell them they are responsable for their choices! LOL…

    It was a very powerful time in my life when I realized that no one could MAKE me feel anything.

  • Teresa Bakker says:

    If you have “no choice” you have “no responsibility”. How much more powerful to say I am choosing not to do something versus I can’t do it!