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Revealing Riches

By M-Power
A new client and friend, Chad, said to me this week that his mission in life is to help those who are leading quiet lives of desperation.  Another new friend, Brad Barton, quotes Benjamin Disraeli in his book Beyond Illusions as saying, “The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.”  There are people in YOUR world today who don’t understand their own worth and what they have to offer – speak truth to them!
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What Kind of Difference?

By M-Power
My 10-year-old daughter shared with me a quick little inspirational book this week called The Fred Factor, by Mark Sanborn. This book was inspired by the author’s mailman who went out of his way to do his job with enthusiasm, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary for himself and all of those around him. Sanborn suggests that we can convert the job we have into one we love, not by doing a different job, but by doing the one we have differently. Many of my clients have shared with me that their goal is to make a difference in this world. This book points out that we ALL make a difference in this world every day! The key question is, what KIND of difference am I making? You WILL affect people today, maybe slightly, maybe significantly. Notice how you are making a difference in the lives of others today. Start…
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