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Dr. Paul Jenkins

Your New Year’s Stretch

By M-Power
We usually make resolutions because we want to change something in our lives, we want to improve. We believe that by making this change, our lives will be richer and we will be happier. So, why doesn’t everyone make resolutions? Changing means messing with our auto-pilot and that takes us out of our comfort zone. Yet, if we want to attain our goals, we must feel uncomfortable for a while, the same way when we want to become stronger and begin exercising, our muscles are sore for a time. If we want growth, we need to stretch and reach beyond our normal limits. In my recent YouTube Video, “Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone,” I give you 12 hacks to stretch yourself. As you implement these ideas and discover the world does not end, you become more confident and willing to try new things. This is the mindset that will…
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Fully Engaged

By M-Power
Kirk Hansen is a successful business leader and a pilot.  I heard him talking last week about how before taking off, he goes through all of the safety checks on the airplane and requests clearance from the tower.  When he is cleared for take-off, he pushes the throttle to full power and picks up speed as he moves along the runway, until he finally pulls back on the yoke and lifts into the sky.  Like the throttle on that plane, we have our best chance of taking off if we are fully engaged.  Half or quarter throttle just won’t give us the momentum we need to fly.  Get fully engaged in your dreams!   We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about.   - Charles Kingsley   Recharge your…
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