Following the devastating events at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown Connecticut, a number of friends, clients, even strangers, approach me wondering how to deal with this tragedy. The conversations focus initially on the Sandy Hook tragedy itself, then generally expand to address the question of how to deal with tragedy and trauma in general.
My initial observation – and suggestion – is that until we know individually what to do, we simply pay attention not just to the tragedy, but the amazing way humans intuitively respond to such difficult things – and take heart from what we observe.
Yes, it was a dark day in Newtown, as it was in Columbine, as it was on 9-11. Yet within those days of darkness we also see something else. Light. Light following immediately on the heels of the darkness. Light rushing in from all over the world to dispel the overwhelming darkness.
So, what do we do? Honestly, I’m still too numb to advise anything specifically, except this: When you see such overwhelming darkness, notice also the light that accompanies it. The light of love, compassion, generosity of heart that always ultimately conquers the darkness.
It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
– an old English parable