What if you were to go to the elementary school to drop off a form at the office? While you are standing at the front desk, a man in a ski mask barges in through the front door brandishing a gun and yelling profanities. Unseen by the gunman, the police officer assigned to your child’s school happens to be behind the intruder in the hall. The officer tackles the man from behind, driving him hard to the floor.
You hear the explosion of a single shot from the gun. Boom!
And you feel a bullet hit you… in the foot.
The gunman is subdued, and taken to jail.
You get a quick trip to the emergency room.
That’s “what is.”
We ask our mind to evaluate what just happened.
Was this an unfortunate event or was it a fortunate one?
Was it unlucky or lucky?
Was it bad?
Was it good?
Our mind dutifully responds, “Wait a minute, I’ll check.”
Our mind then compares “what is” with imagined alternate scenarios.
Can you imagine anything better than what just happened? Obviously! That’s why you recoiled when I mentioned a gunman coming into the school. You can imagine a scenario where no gunman shows up, nobody gets shot, everything happens just as I planned it.
Compared to that, how does “what is” look? Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad. And we’re not making it up either, it really does look bad… compared to that.
Can you imagine anything worse that what just happened? Obviously! That’s what triggered relief when I mentioned that the bullet hit your foot. You can imagine a scenario where you get shot between the eyes instead of in the foot, or something that looks more like Sandy Hook or Columbine.
Now compared to that, how does “what is” look? Wow, how fortunate, how lucky, this is good, I’ll take this thank you. And we’re not making it up either, it really does look good… compared to that.
“What is” is always suspended between worse and better until we declare a judgment. All of these alternate scenarios are imagined. Since they are imagined, we get to choose which one serves us better in creating happiness now.
Life is good.
We choose and create happiness now, with “what is.” Success doesn't bring happiness – happiness is success.
Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
?Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning
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