
Character or Reputation

By August 16, 2010 3 Comments
One of the most common obsessions is worrying about what other people think of us.  The truth of the matter is that most other people are too busy worrying about what we think of them to be thinking about us.  You're always better off making your decisions based on what you know to be right or wrong than to worry about what other people think.  I like the way Wayne Dyer put it when he said that we truly become free when we are independent of the good opinion of others.

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.

-John Wooden

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Kawika says:

    So true! Thanks for sharing this. Now if I can only convince myself to truly not care about how others see me….

  • Ammon says:

    That is an excellent thought. Too often in our society reputation and character are considered to be the same thing.

  • Becky Hinton says:

    Thank you for the M-Power on Reputation. I just commented in Relief Society yesterday that I have found that the reason I get upset with my children during church is because I worry about what others will think of me because of their behavior. I have really worked to eliminate this, that church has become much more enjoyable for me!