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Befriending Yourself

By M-Power
I have found through the course of my career, that we are often our own worst critics.  There is a passage in the New Testament in which we are encouraged to love our neighbor as ourselves.  But wait a minute… what would happen to all of our friends and neighbors if we actually treated them like we treat ourselves.  Can you imagine saying to your neighbor, “you’re just not good enough” or “you can’t do anything right”.  Be cautious about how you talk to yourself – use the same level of compassion and understanding that is easier to generate for others.  WWW.THERICHTERRECO.COM/SHARONRICHTER/   Befriend yourself!
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Work Hard

By M-Power
There is no substitute for hard work.  With all of the talk and hype lately about positive imaging, don’t forget that the only way ideas transform into reality is through good old fashioned hard work.  A friend of mine shared this quote with me last week:resource stocks 5million   “I learned that the only way you are going to get anywhere in life is to work hard at it. Whether you're a musician, a writer, an athlete or a businessman, there is no getting around it. If you do, you'll win. If you don't you won't.” -      Bruce Jenner   Don’t be afraid to do what it takes.
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Better Than They Appear

By M-Power
I just finished another book that inspired me to have a fresh appreciation for the simple things in life.  It is called Wanting More by Mark Chamberlain.  At one point he mentioned the little message at the bottom of your rear view mirror that says “OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR”.  We often overlook the simple quality of many of the “everyday” things in our world.  Perhaps they should all have a sign that reads, “OBJECTS IN VIEW ARE BETTER THAN THEY APPEAR”.loans with bad crdit   Appreciate the simple things in your life!  
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Freedom is not Free

By M-Power
Here in the United States, we celebrate this week our independence. What a great country with an abundance of freedoms and opportunities. I had the privilege of interviewing a WWII veteran this week for Live On Purpose Radio, and gained a greater appreciation for the cost of freedom. Zane Taylor has shared his story in a book called “Lesser Heroes”. He told stories about crawling on his belly as he tried to avoid machine gun fire, or digging a hole to hide in to avoid the shrapnel flying all around him. He left his home and family to watch his buddies die around him. Freedom is not free, it is a precious gift granted by others who paid a dear price for it. May we all remember those who gave it to us this 4th of July weekend!cash advance in one hour
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The Cracked Pot

By M-Power
I heard this parable years ago, and then one of our subscribers brought it back to my attention recently.  It is a little longer than most M-Power messages, but worth the read.  Thanks Ken!   An  elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole  which she carried across her neck. One of  the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water.     At the  end of the long walks from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived  only half full.   For a  full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a  half pots of water.     Of  course , the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments.     But the  poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it  could only…
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Create The Advantage

By M-Power
My weeds have been teaching me some things.  A few days ago while I was out doing battle in my garden, I noticed that some of the weeds have very strong and deep roots, which makes them a little harder to pull, giving them a great advantage.  Others had roots that were not so deep, but very fragile.  This type was easy to pull, but would reappear from the broken root fragments only a few days later, giving them the advantage.  Either way, weeds seem to have adapted to the particular package that they have.  Whether your roots are deep or shallow, find a way to make the best of the package you have.  Create the advantage!  
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Camel or Crystal

By M-Power
A few years ago, Vicki and I visited the Canary Islands where we had the opportunity to ride a camel.  One thing I didn’t know before about camels is that they grumble and complain before responding to any command of the wrangler.  At first I thought we just ended up with a “bad attitude” camel, but then heard every camel in line responding in the same grumpy way.  In contrast, we have a sweet retriever mix in our family named Crystal.  I sometimes get up early in the morning to go walking, and even at 5:00 a.m. she wiggles enthusiastically and wags her tail, eager to join me.  What about you?  Today you have a choice to be a camel or a Crystal.   real-estate-opportunity2  click this link to see a real estate opportunity I'm offering!
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Just Your Opinion

By M-Power
Everybody has an opinion.  Your opinion of yourself has a lot to do with how you feel on a daily basis.  My friend Kirk included an interesting thought within his e-mail today that said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.”  People often confuse humility with having a poor opinion of yourself, but that is just as much a pride problem as thinking you are better than other people.  What you are really saying is that your own opinion is somehow better than, or superior to the opinion of others.  So your spouse thinks you are awesome but you think you stink.  Your friends think you are incredible but you think you’re miserable.  You think you are worthless but God thinks you have immeasurable worth.  Who is likely to be right?  Don’t cling so tightly to your own opinion that you remain stuck in your…
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By M-Power
My son, Ryan, will be graduating from High School this week.  It reminds me of a message I sent out a few years ago about moving to the next level.  You know how sometimes you are rolling along with life, feeling that you are getting your stride and figuring some things out when WHAM!  Something throws you for a loop, or you find yourself slipping back into some modes that you thought you were past.  I've talked with so many people who get discouraged when they see themselves struggling.  This is a common human experience - and it does NOT mean that you are failing.  It may mean that you are moving to a higher level.   Think about it like a video game.  In these games that my kids like so well, you always start out at the first level.  It can be a little challenging, but as you…
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Shake It Off

By M-Power
My good friend, Kirk Weisler, shared a great story this week that I think you will find relevant.  You can link into the original post here:   One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well.  The animal cried pitifully for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.  Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn’t worth it to retrieve the donkey.   The farmer invited all his neighbors to come over and help him.  They all grabbed a shovel and began to toss the dirt into the well.  At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly.  Then, to everyone’s amazement, he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw.  With each shovel of dirt that hit…
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