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Be Box 1

By M-Power
Imagine three magical machines or boxes... Into Box 1  you feed a crisp $100 bill.  It hums and the lights flash and every single time it spits out $200.  Do you like this box?  How often would you feed this box?  How hard would it be to get other people to feed this box?  This is going well, so you take one of your $100 bills and feed it into Box 2.  Box 2 hums and the lights flash and every single time it spits out $100.  How excited are you about this one?  There is one box left so you feed another $100 into Box 3, which hums and the lights flash and every single time it spits out $20.  Notice the difference in how you feel about each of these boxes.  What is the box?  The box is always a person.  If this is true, which box are you? …
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Failing Forward

By M-Power
I'm enjoying reading John C. Maxwell's book Failing Forward.  Failure is an almost universal fear.  I say "almost" because the truly successful people in life have a very different view of failure.  Maxwell points out that one of the greatest problems people have with failure is that they are too quick to judge isolated situations in their lives and label them as failures.  Instead, they need to keep the bigger picture in mind.  Whether you call what is happening in your life or what has happened in your life as a failure is up to you and you alone.  You have the power to label your experience as failure or as a powerful learning experience - choose! The difference between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views a mistake.usually would - Nelson Boswell
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Camels and Change

By M-Power
rate centerSeveral years ago, Vicki and I visited the Canary Islands in connection with an evaluation I was doing in a child custody matter.  While we were there, we rode a camel.  I learned that camels have the interesting tendency to grumble and complain with every command that the wrangler issued.  He would command them to kneel so the rider could mount up - and the camel would grumble and complain.  He then commanded them to stand, and again grumbling and complaining.  Basically anything that represented a change brought on the attitude.  How are you handling the changes in your life?  Remember, better is always different.  Look at the changes in your life as amazing opportunities to experience something better, rather than just grumbling and complaining about having to move.entire application approval
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Character or Reputation

By M-Power
One of the most common obsessions is worrying about what other people think of us.  The truth of the matter is that most other people are too busy worrying about what we think of them to be thinking about us.  You're always better off making your decisions based on what you know to be right or wrong than to worry about what other people think.  I like the way Wayne Dyer put it when he said that we truly become free when we are independent of the good opinion of others. Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. -John Wooden
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Yesterday’s Tomorrow

By M-Power
As I was meeting with a client this week she shared today's quote with me:  "Today is the tomorrow that you were afraid of yesterday."  Here it is, and there you are still handling everything as it comes.  At the root of every fear is the same belief - that I can't handle it.  Nothing could be farther from the truth - you have already handled absolutely everything so far, and that will not be changing.  Keep moving forward and know that you can handle it! Today is the tomorrow that you were afraid of yesterday. -Anonymous 
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Accountability Questions

By M-Power
On the victim pendulum, one extreme is blaming someone or something else for everything that happens to you.  "I'ts not my fault!" is the victim's creed, as they look to favorite targets to blame for their misery - whether that be the economy, their ex-spouse, the government, their parents, or whatever.  The other extreme of the victim pendulum is not as commonly discussed, but far too commonly experienced.  At the other end of the pendulum swing is blaming self.  This is where you have created all of the misery in your own life and in the lives of those around you through your foolish choices.  You become a victim of yourself as you beat yourself up for being the cause of your misery.  Consider these four questions as you get back to accountability, and avoid the extreme swings of the victim pendulum. How is this about me?  Remember everything has…
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Feedback, Breakfast of Champions

By M-Power
Life serves up many opportunities to see how we are doing from the perspective of others.  Getting feedback from others is feared by those who don't understand its value.  True champions crave the information they can get from those who see them from the outside.  Remember that feedback from others is just information, it is neither good or bad.  It is not about you as much as it is about someone else's experience of you - which is valuable information.  Accept feedback with gratitude and grace. The instructions for getting out of your box are printed on the outside of your box. - L. Cameron Mosher, Ph.D. Please enjoy my interview with Tim Esau at Live On Purpose Radio of the same title
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Success Is No Accident

By M-Power
I had the remarkable opportunity yesterday to interview Coach Larry Gelwix who has been coaching the Highland High School Rugby Team for the past 35 years.  This team was recently featured in a powerful and inspiring movie, "Forever Strong."  Larry has led the team to an amazing record of 401 wins and 9 losses in his time as coach.  The success of the team is not luck or fortunate genetics, but application of principles year after year.  He shared with me five strategies for the team's success, which also apply in every other aspect of life.  Choose which team you play for. Don't play with snakes. Hit the ground running - attitude and effort are everything. Plan and play to W.I.N. (what's important now). Keep your focus on the final score. Listen in on my conversation with this inspiring man at Live On Purpose Radio. Attitude and effort are everything! - Coach Larry Gelwix,…
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Hard Things First

By M-Power
Your life is made up of a variety of activities, some of which you really enjoy and look forward to, and some of which you may dread.  The hard stuff seems to always be there waiting for you.  Today there is likely to be at least one challenging task that you just don't want to do.  Move that one to the top of your list and do it first.  Imagine how you will feel when that one thing is behind you rather than in front of you.  Do the hard things first and watch your energy multiply! I often hear people say that I'm lucky to have a job I love.  Personally I don't see how it is luck, when I chose this job. Nikki Stone - Olympic Gold Medalist home owner loans
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Two Kinds of People

By M-Power
I attended an event this past weekend where there were around 21,000 people present.  Most of that throng of people looked like nothing more than a sea of humanity from where I sat.  The faces nearer to me were distinguishable as individuals.  I realized that among those I could see, perhaps a dozen or so were people I recognized and knew in one way or another.  A wise friend once pointed out to me that there are only two kinds of people in the world; the kind you know, and the kind you don't know.  Your human treasury includes all of them.  Just consider for a moment the vast array of possibilities that exists just in the people you already know (a much smaller group by the way).  My favorite teacher of all time once said, "For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye?... And if…
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