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Watch Your Language

By M-Power
The language that we choose makes a big difference, and can completely change our experience.  I got two great examples last night as I was reading John Maxwell's Failing Forward.  Do your challenges in life make you bitter or better?  Does adversity lead to breakdowns or breakthroughs?  Then this morning with one of my clients we were discussing letting go.  Letting go is different from giving up.  If what you want is not yet in your hand, and your hand is clenched so tightly around what you already have, how can you receive what you want?  Letting go is often the crucial step toward receiving what you want, because it opens your hands, heart, and mind to what can be.consumer financial protection legislation Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene.RAMPARTJUICE.COM/SSFM/CAT/ Arthur Christopher Benson
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Weeds Thrive Too

By M-Power
After a very rainy May here in Utah, my little garden is thriving and growing well.  I also have a weed patch in a neglected spot that is thriving and growing well.  Our minds are like the fertile earth, ready and willing to return an abundance of whatever we plant and cultivate there.  But be careful - weeds are default.  If you don't intentionally plant productive and positive thoughts, you may soon find the place overgrown with weeds of negativity, fear, and doubt. Every thought is a seed.  If you plant crab apples, don't count on harvesting golden delicious. - Bill Meyer 
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Cultivating You

By M-Power
I'm working on getting something of a garden going this spring, which requires a lot of cultivating, weeding, tending, watering, and nurturing of the seeds and plants in order to have a harvest. My friend, Garrett Gunderson hosted a phenomenal event in Salt Lake City last week where he pointed out that the key to wealth creation is to cultivate yourself. Take care of and invest in yourself, and you will thereby create your results. You are your greatest asset! In the absence of clarity of your soul purpose you cannot discern the difference between distraction and opportunity - Garrett Gunderson
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Whatever Doesn’t Look Like That

By M-Power
I was just looking at this chain that I whittled out of a family sized bar of Ivory soap.  The most common question I get about this after people marvel that I would have that much extra time on my hands is, "How did you do that?"  The answer is simple, I just cut off everything that doesn't look like that.  Our lives tend to accumulate a lot of extra baggage from time to time.  Get a clear picture of what you want your life to look like, and start cutting off whatever doesn't look like that!     Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. Lou Holtz    Please leave your comments here - be part of the discussion.    Dr. Paul
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Choose Happiness

By M-Power
A common theme lately in my practice has been that of choosing happiness.  We stumble around and search and strive for that which will make us happy thinking, "I will be happy when..." or "I would truly be happy if..."  The illusion that success will bring happiness traps us in a state of perpetually waiting for it to happen.  The real secret is that happiness brings success, not the other way around.  Choose happiness - no matter what.Small Business Credit Card Some people stumble through life trying to find the way to happiness, they don't understand the way IS happiness. Wayne Dyer
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Mind Meals

By M-Power
One of my clients is a very successful corporate executive who engaged in a six-session life coaching process with me.  After our very first session, this man called me on the phone and said, "Paul, it's like my mind was hungry for this."  Many of us don't realize that we feed our minds daily - the question becomes WHAT do we feed our minds.  To intentionally consume mind food that inspires, uplifts, enlightens, and encourages will go far toward assisting you to remain in a paradigm of positivity and production.   If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it; every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow   P.S.  The cafeteria is open - please enjoy the Mind Meals available at no cost to you through Live On Purpose Radio - Bon Apetit!
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What DO You Have?

By M-Power
I was reminded recently of a story from the rich Christian tradition of the New Testament wherein Jesus was teaching a large group of people and they became hungry.  He told his disciples that he wanted to feed them, and the immediate response of the disciples was one of scarcity, almost as if they were saying, "Look at all of this food that we DON'T have."  They were focused on their lack of resources.  Well, that wasn't very useful to Jesus who redirected them by asking, "What DO you have?"  That's when they came up with the inventory of a few loaves and fishes, leading to the miracle of abundance.  Focusing on what you DON'T have will do nothing more than leave you feeling frustrated and discouraged.  What DO you have?  Now that is a useful question.  Bring what you have and start with that to create abundance. Vision is…
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Stratospheric Success

By M-Power
I read a compelling book this week by Bob Burg and John David Mann called, "The Go-Giver". These authors understand one of the best kept secrets of success, that human life income actually flows outward from you. I especially liked their five laws of stratospheric success which are: The Law of Valuebad credit military loans Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment The Law of Compensation Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them The Law of Influence Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people's interests first. The Law of Authenticity The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself The Law of Receptivity The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving. I have personally experienced these laws to be true and effective. …
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Mind The Gap

By M-Power
When you compare how you are doing with the ideal, how do you feel? Common words my clients share with me are "frustrated", "inadequate", "depressed", or "discouraged". Dan Sullivan of The Strategic Coach teaches that this is because of "The Gap". The gap is defined as the permanent distance between your reality and the ideal. On the other hand, when you compare how you are doing to how you have done in the past, how do you feel? Common words to describe this scenario are, "encouraged", "accomplished", "satisfied", or "pleased." You get to choose the standard by which you measure your progress - Mind the Gap! Swing hard, in case they throw the ball where you're payday lending - Duke Snider
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