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Questions in Disguise

By M-Power
Questions are power tools of change. Power tools work best when plugged in and turned on. Sometimes the questions we ask are not really questions.  My friend and creative editor, Tom Cantrell, called me on this recently when he asked, "Was that a question, or a statement disguised as a question?" Here's a common example: "How can I be happy with all of this going on?"  That's not a bad question, if it is used as a question.  Normally a question like this really means, "I can't be happy with all of this going on" - it is a statement disguised as a question.  Another example is in my last message - "What could possibly be good about this?"  Another great question, if you stay plugged in to the question.  "Nothing could possibly be good about this" is the statement that sometimes gets into that question's disguise.  Plug in the power - turn it back into a question and get…
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That’s Good!

By M-Power
The motivational master, Earl Nightingale promoted Pathological Positivity when he suggested that we learn to habitually respond to even devastating circumstances by saying “that’s good” – then engage our marvelous minds to discover or create what’s good about it.  As a psychologist, I see the power in this strategy.  Our mind will dutifully fulfill our commands and requests.  If we ask our mind to find out what is bad about something we can certainly find supportive evidence.  If, on the other hand, we ask our minds to find out what is good about something, our minds will get to work on that.  "What could possibly be good about this!?"  Well, that's not a bad question - get busy finding a legitimate answer instead of assuming that there couldn't be one. life loans It's our attitude in life that determines life's attitude toward us. ~ Earl Nightingale
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Positive On Purpose

By M-Power
Sometimes I am accused of being pathologically positive, like Pollyanna from the 1960 Disney movie. Is this a compliment or a criticism? I wasn't sure so I rented the movie. I remember as a child liking the movie. It seems that when I got older, I joined in with the other popular opinions that it was just corny and, well, pollyannaish. Watching it this time, I really paid attention to what Pollyanna was doing in light of my positive psychology practice. Here is a kid who was orphaned at an age when she could understand what was going on. Unquestionably a huge and painful adversity. Her father had been a minister, and taught her a game that she liked to play whenever something difficult or unpleasant was happening - the glad game. The game is that you intentionally look for something to be glad about related to your situation. It is…
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Head For Higher Ground

By M-Power
December 26, 2006 was the date.  An earthquake beneath the Indian Ocean caused a shift in the earth's plates that led to a displacement of the sea itself.  The waters withdrew from the shore in preparation for an enormous tsunami to follow.  Those who saw and recognized the signs immediately began to retreat for higher ground - they knew what was coming.  There are plenty of signs around indicating that our world is in danger - everything from economic indicators to crime rates.  There is ample reason to believe that we need to head for higher ground.  Identify the higher ground in your life and invite others along. Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.  ~ James Arthur Baldwin    
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Imagination Abuse

By M-Power
Your amazing mind has the ability to imagine almost anything.  Can you imagine right now the smell of oranges?  Can you imagine a peaceful place where you feel safe and tranquil?  Can you imagine yourself receiving a prestigious award?  Not too hard right?  Can you also imagine intense pain, rejection from others, or losing something important to you?  Also not too hard.  What you imagine is up to you.  The energy that comes with whatever you imagine fills your life with feelings and results.   My friend Woody Woodward says it this way, "What you focus on you feel, what you think about comes about."  Notice the difference and then be very very selective about what you imagine. cash loans in philadelphia Worry is a misuse of imagination.    - Dan Zadra
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Believing is Seeing

By M-Power
Walt Disney was one of the most imaginative and visionary creators of our time.  After the enormous success of Disneyland in California, Walt envisioned another park on the East Coast to compliment the one in California.  Walt Disney passed away from lung cancer in 1966, almost 6 years prior to the opening of Walt Disney World in 1971.  When Walt Disney World finally opened, a reporter covering the event commented to Walt's brother, Roy, "It's too bad Walt did not live to see this." Roy’s reply was poignant and clear, "Walt saw it first. That’s why we are seeing it now." All too often we stop short of our dreams because we just don't see how it could happen.  Sometimes we will say, "I'll believe it when I see it."  A powerful truth known to all creators is that this statement is just backwards - you will see it when…
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Sharing or Despairing

By M-Power
I've made a hobby of collecting inspiring stories.  When I interview amazing people on my show, I've noticed that every single story without exception has a hard part in the middle.  These hard parts of life create a choice.  The choice is between sharing and despairing.  When you focus on your problem as if it is all about you, get ready for some serious despair.  When you realize that your problem has something to do with assisting others who have similar problems, and you get busy sharing what you've learned and how you've grown, life takes on new meaning and purpose.  I am so grateful for good people who are willing to share - it helps me feel less crazy and more hopeful in my own challenges.  Sharing or despairing - it's your choice!   (Click here to comment on this message)   Recognize that each of us has the…
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Nobody Gets Out of This Alive

By M-Power
My friend Shawn Warenski is a funeral director.  Since I met Shawn as a guest on my show a few years ago, we have so far had two mutual clients.  I think Shawn may be the only guy in town who has a more stable job than me.  People really like and appreciate what I do for them, but they are dying to go see Shawn.  Few things are more certain than death.  You have probably heard the expression, nothing in life is certain except death and taxes - well I know people who avoid taxes.   In high school, my son was an avid runner.  I noticed when I attended his track and field events that different runners had very different approaches to their races.  The short distance guys would crouch down in the blocks and explode into a full sprint for the entire race.  The distance runners would stand in…
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What Doesn’t Make Sense

By M-Power
During a morning run this week I came across this sign for a golf course.  I quickly identified the golf bag and clubs on the right and the red rock outcropping on the left, but I couldn't quite make out what that white item was attached to the cliff - it didn't make sense to me.  As I continued to study what didn't make sense, suddenly the white thing became a shirt on a man and the red rock cliff became a couple.  It all made sense to me as I finally made sense out of the part that didn't.  In our lives there are often things that don't make sense.  Take a closer look at those things, and often the very things that don't make sense to us bring the whole picture into context. In science, mistakes always precede the truth. Horace Walpole
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Chewable Chunks

By M-Power
When you take on life's challenges it can seem overwhelming at times to even begin.  Looking at the entire project can be so daunting that you shrink from the task altogether.  Vicki and I just started cleaning out the "junk room" in the basement.  We were feeling a little this way, but realized that if we just start and take on small bits at a time, it becomes very do-able.  Take a look at that daunting task that you have been avoiding.  What little piece can you take on now?  Don't worry about doing everything, just do something!EOSDESIGNS.COM/AMANDA/cheap loans personal   Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be. John Wooden
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