Toxic vs. Pathological Positivity

I am a expert and I hadn't even heard the term until the .

Toxic positivity is the that no matter how dire the circumstances, you should just think positive.

It is denying the pain.

Pushing it down and ignoring it, hoping it will go away.

The problem with toxic positivity is that it ignores the problem and hurts people.

Helpful positivity gives you a higher level of control over your own mind and allows you validate your pain,

“You are never wrong about how you feel,” is something I tell my clients.

Our are what we are experiencing, so they aren't wrong. 

Pathological Positivity recognizes those feelings and asks what can be done to get the feeling we want – .

It is choosing a positive position that serves you well, then going about to make it happen.

Pathological positivity allows you to boss your brain around and choose an intentional position of control over your mind.

Life can always be better. Pathological Positivity allows you to experience that better life.

Pathological Positivity moves you from victim to agent.

Thank you to all who joined us for our 5-Day Positivity Power-Up Event last week. I have heard from many how it changed your thinking and gave you a renewed sense of .

Honored to be on your team,


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