Address the Elephant in the Room

By M-Power

It happens in marriages; it happens in families. It happens at work, school and in your community. Problems. There are always problems. News alert: There will always be problems… If you see them as problems. In my book, Pathological Positivity, I talk about “propportunities.”  Instead of seeing a problem, see an opportunity.  Changing the name gets our minds working. We know that words are just words. Words get their power when we attach meaning to them. Problem. The attached meaning is negative, bad, something we want to avoid. Opportunity. The chance to do something. We get to decide the action we will take. Problems seem like they happen to us, without our consent. We become passive and it is easy to slip into victim mode. Opportunities are something we buy into and therefore our chances of handling them in a successful way increase. We also gain valuable personal development when we solve…

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