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One of my core beliefs is that we are all creators. There is an innate desire in each of us to create something.

It could be a beautiful garden.

It could be expressed through an instrument.

It could be pottery.

It could be risotto.

It could be a story or a book.

It could be a hook shot.

When we go to our happy place and create, it satisfies something deep within us that gives us the ability to handle what life throws at us.

My wife told me a story about my mother-in-law.

She was a strong woman who had six kids. She loved to needlepoint and made some fantastic pieces.

With six little kids it was hard to find time to needlepoint. When she did sit down, she felt guilty. There were lots of other things that NEEDED to be done.

There were dishes to wash.

Clothes to mend.

There were groceries to buy.

Meals to cook.

Bills to pay.

And always, always, something needed to be cleaned.

She decided that she just didn’t have time to needlepoint and she put her things away.

Maybe one day when the kids were older, she would be able to get it out again…

Then a few days went by.

And her husband told her to start needlepointing again.

He saw the sadness in her and knew that she needed this creative outlet.

There would always be clothes to fold,

food to cook,

and a house to clean.

What she created when she needlepointed quieted the creative urge that needed to be satisfied.

She went back to needlepoint and found that life was always busy, but for a few minutes she could fortify herself for all the other demands of life.

Schedule time this week to go to your happy place.

Then, when life gets busy, (and you know it will), think about your happy place.

Take a deep breath,

Feel your heart rate slow,

And know that you can get through this moment, because your happy place is on your calendar and you will get there.

Dr. Paul