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How Gratitude Can Change Your Life

By M-Power
We all know that gratitude is important. Gratitude is something that we talked about quite often at Live On Purpose. I have one of our Live On Purpose certified coaches, Dan Hartman here to help us learn why gratitude is so important. Dan: Hey, I'm excited to talk about gratitude, it's one of my favorite subjects. Paul: That's why you're here. And you've got reasons to know what you know. Dan: Exactly. Paul: You know Dan, we all have a story. We all have experiences in our life that the inform us about these principles that help us develop a better life. Gratitude is one of those very powerful starting points. It's kind of a launch off point for everything else that happens. I know you've got some really great thoughts put together for us. Dan: I have three ways that gratitude can truly change your life. The first way,…
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How To Overcome The Fear Of Public Speaking

By M-Power
I've prepared four strategies to help you overcome your fear of public speaking. It's actually one of the most common fears. On lists of fears that we have looked at or researched, public speaking comes in ahead of death in terms of what people fear. Jerry Seinfeld picked this up and he said, "You know what that means is the guy giving the eulogy would rather be in the box." But you know what? It's not the fear of public Speaking so much as the fear of not speaking well in public. Think about what I'm saying you are not really afraid of speaking. You are afraid of speaking poorly. That will give us some clues as to what you can do to overcome that fear. Dale Dixon is a friend of mine in the National Speakers Association. He wrote a book called, “Sweating Bullets.” It's all about what we…
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How To Stop Being Stubborn

By M-Power
Whether it is you having problems with stubbornness, or someone you know, it is helpful to start with the root cause of stubbornness. I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that it's pride. I don't mean a healthy sense of who you are. I'm talking about destructive pride, where you know that you are right. It's not that you think you are right. No. It’s a whole different level. You KNOW you are right. And because of that, you get stuck. People are stubborn and don’t want to move from the position of being right. Let me tell a story to illustrate what I mean. This is personal, because yes, I know that I'm right too. A friend of mine, Dr. Cameron Mosher had suggested that I attend his course. It's a ropes course,  a skill-building course. I had been avoiding Dr. Cam for years because…
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Four Hacks For Rambunctious Kids

By M-Power
Do you have busy energetic children? We've got 4 hacks for rambunctious kids. Paul: I love that my job is to illuminate the obvious. Some obvious things are totally unnoticed and I think this is important to notice. Children's work is? Vicki: Play. Paul: Right. So, here is hack number 1: Play with your kids. Get down on the floor with them. Don't be afraid to interact with them on their level. I've found at least in my practice, and Vicki, maybe you can back this up in the kids that you have worked with, that sometimes kids become a little more hyper, a little more rambunctious when they are trying to get the kind of attention that they are really craving. Vicki: Definitely! Paul: As parents, we have other things to worry about. I mean, we need to take care of the house and earn some money to pay…
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How To Calm Your Mind Before You Sleep

By M-Power
Maybe I should just sing you a lullaby. Would that help? No, probably not. I'm a psychologist. I want to help you understand how to calm your mind down before sleep. Let's take a look at the 4 main culprits that disturb your sleep and then we will come up with a strategy for each one. The four culprits that disturb sleep the most are: Alcohol Caffeine Blue light, (maybe that one surprised you), and Anxiety (that one didn't surprise you) I attended a professional conference not too long ago with Dr. Preston out of Stanford University. Dr. Preston shared with us these culprits that disturb our sleep, and that particularly get in the way with our stage 4 sleep. Stage 4 is the deeper levels of sleep that tends to be restorative. As he shared these findings, he also shared something that we can do about each one of…
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Advice For Imperfect Parents

By M-Power
Paul: Make sure you are in the right place, because if you are a perfect parent, this is not for you. This planet is populated with imperfect people. In fact, I think that's perfect. I have a little mantra and I do this with my clients. Vicki, you've heard this before. You are perfectly designed to be imperfect. Vicki: Yeah. Paul: It's part of our innate, I think divine design, that we have imperfections, we have weaknesses. There's a reason for that. In fact, there's a lot of reasons for that. But it's something that bothers us a lot, too. Vicki: Right. Paul: And we've got some advice for you today as an imperfect parent. First of all, welcome to earth. You are in good company. Every other parent on the planet is also imperfect. And so, let's just lighten up a little bit, shall we? Vicki: Embrace it a…
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How To Stop Hating Yourself

By M-Power
It's kind of sad actually that there are enough people looking for this that we need to address it. My job here is to illuminate some things. I want you to notice some things. I am NOT here to tell you how to think. But I do want you to notice that you are thinking and this is going to change some things for you. Let's dig into the psychology behind that and see what we might be able to discover. This was first brought to my attention through Eckhart Tolle. He's a philosopher and an author and he wrote a book called The Power Of Now, which I really enjoyed. In that book, he shared a time that he was going through in his own life where he was dealing with some self-hatred, which is kind of weird when you think about it. He pointed this out. He got…
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In Parenting, How Strict Is Too Strict?

By M-Power
As parents, we constantly wonder if we're on track or not. In parenting, how strict is too strict? To answer this question. we've got to get into the motivation. That determines whether it's too strict or not. Before we dive too much into that, let's get a little bit more of a definition. Strict I think means being able to enforce appropriate limits and rules effectively without giving in or being inconsistent. This is how I'm defining it. Strict is not mean. To be a strict parent is not a bad thing. To be a mean parent, we got a problem. So, strict is not mean. Keep that in mind as we talk about this. It's still a legitimate question. How strict is too strict? Where are you coming from as a parent? What is your motivation? What is your job as a parent? It's so fun for me when…
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Should I Spend Money On Personal Coaching?

By M-Power
Maybe you're asking yourself, "Should I spend money on personal coaching?" The quick answer: It depends. And I'll tell you exactly what it depends on. Let's start by asking some good questions to hone in on whether that would be a good decision for you. Now, I sell personal coaching, it's my business. It's what I do, it's what I love. But I'm not here to sell you on coaching. I want you to make a good decision about whether you should spend your time and money on this kind of a proposition. Ask yourself: Number 1, "Do I want to learn a new skill or knowledge set?" Hmm, you probably do if you are considering personal coaching. But really, that's the purpose of doing it in the first place. Some people want to get into coaching and they have no idea of what it is that they are going…
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What To Do When Your Child Hits You

By M-Power
Vicki: With this particular topic we are going to assume we are talking about younger children. If there is an issue going on with an older child hitting you or a teenager, we need to take a whole different approach and your safety is most important. If we have young children, sometimes physical aggression is just kind of part of the developmental growth of this child. Paul: I think that's important to acknowledge because expecting kids to behave like an adult is an unrealistic expectation. So that's something you can adjust. Vicki: Now, just because it's part of their typical development, it doesn't mean that it's okay and we are just going to ignore it. Paul: We got to do something it. Vicki: What are we going to do about it? Paul: Because it's not good for your child to be hitting you or anyone else for that matter. In…
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