How To Talk So Your Teen Will Listen

By M-Power

Paul: Vicki, maybe we ought to change this title to “How to listen so teens will listen?” Vicki: That is so important. So many kids just feel like, they are not heard. They are not validated. So, listening to them, even when it seems silly to you, especially then. Paul: You make a good point, Vicki, because I think teens get frustrated sometimes feeling like we don’t take the time to actually connect with them. And so, we don’t have the credibility that we need when we want them to listen to us because they feel like we have never really listened to them. This puts you in a powerful position as a parent. Vicki: Remember, everything they are going through is big to them. So, if you want them to listen to you, be sure you are listening to them in all the little things. Little to you, big…

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