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Self-Destructive Behaviors in Relationships

By M-Power
We enter relationships with the best of intentions. It doesn’t matter if it is a work, social, or even a romantic relationship. Our behaviors can be productive or not helpful. A Pathologically Positive person wants to make the most of all their relationships so let’s examine a pattern of negative behaviors that will cause any relationship to implode so we know what not to do. How does self-destruction happen in a relationship? We can boil it down to four words: Criticism, Negativity, Selfishness and Disrespect. Criticism doesn’t even have to be real or intended, as long as it is felt, it works to damage our relationships. Negativity is tied to criticism. Negativity is manifested by complaining and complaining is focused on yourself, not the other person, which leads us to our next step, selfishness. Selfishness is when we turn all our attention inward. We are concerned with how we feel…
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No Complaining

By M-Power
I just finished a book by Jon Gordon called The No Complaining Rule.  This simple concept can be a tough application when we let our natural fight or flight instincts overrule the rational and compassionate core.  Jon suggests that there are other things we could CHOOSE to do rather than complain including:   1.    Practice Gratitude 2.    Praise Others 3.    Focus on Success 4.    Let Go 5.    Pray and Meditate   “No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won’t make it worse.”  Jeffrey R. Holland    
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Camel or Crystal

By M-Power
A few years ago, Vicki and I visited the Canary Islands where we had the opportunity to ride a camel.  One thing I didn’t know before about camels is that they grumble and complain before responding to any command of the wrangler.  At first I thought we just ended up with a “bad attitude” camel, but then heard every camel in line responding in the same grumpy way.  In contrast, we have a sweet retriever mix in our family named Crystal.  I sometimes get up early in the morning to go walking, and even at 5:00 a.m. she wiggles enthusiastically and wags her tail, eager to join me.  What about you?  Today you have a choice to be a camel or a Crystal.   real-estate-opportunity2  click this link to see a real estate opportunity I'm offering!
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