Your mind has the amazing capability to create solutions and opportunities, and at the same time has the equally impressive ability to identify all of the reasons why you can't do something. You are naturally endowed with the ability to know what to do in certain moments. You will know, for example, that someone could use a call or a smile or a kind word. Your amazing mind then gives you a dozen reasons to not do what you felt and knew to do. Follow your first impressions, your natural knowing, and watch miracles start to happen in your life and the lives of those around you. The solutions and opportunities you yearn for are just a relationship and a conversation away – JUST DO IT!!
The heart has reasons which reason cannot understand.
– Blaise Pascal
P.S. I've been practicing this concept of following my impressions and not allowing myself to get stuck in all of the reasons why I shouldn't or couldn't do something. One of these experiences came up for me when my daughter was doing a job shadow assignment for her Junior High class. Lyndi has an interest in art, and her favorite artist in the whole world is Greg Olsen. She has admired his art for years, and has several of his prints hanging in her room. My wife said to me, wouldn't it be cool if Greg Olsen were the one that Lyndi could shadow for her assignment. My initial impression was to contact him (didn't even know him or have any contact with him at the time). I quickly came up with a dozen or more reasons not to do that, but followed my first impression and thus assisted my daughter to create a “dream come true” experience last week. The solutions and opportunities you yearn for are just a relationship and a conversation away – JUST DO IT!! Tune in to Live On Purpose Radio this week for my interview with this kind and generous artist.

I linked to your blog from Greg Olsen’s profile page on facebook. I then read your post and the the story about your daughter, I could not believe it, I assume the picture is of your daughter watching Greg Olsen paint. What a very impressive story about “Just Do It”. Thank you so much for sharing that. I am the primary presiden in my ward and this story is such a great example.
Liz Johnson