I've sometimes joked around a little with attendees at my seminars saying, “I want you to go out there right now, and in the next half hour find some way to make your life… Worse!” People always laugh because they would never do that intentionally, but they can always think of at least a half dozen ways to do it. Isn't the opposite also true? I want you to go out there and in the next half hour find some way to make your life… Better!
Enjoy the video!
Whether you think you can,
or think you can’t…
you’re right.
– Henry Ford
P.S. I just did a 50% rate reduction for private counseling and coaching. Contact me privately if you are interested through the contact link at www.drpaul.org. I'm also taking new referrals if you know someone who would appreciate having some conversations with me.
A “paradoxical intervention” with side orders of humor and wisdom, lightly administered. Now that’s good psychology. Good work Doc…
This cute video probably made more difference than a thousand reminders on how to be cheerful. Thanks!
Melanie, your response alone made this post worthwhile – Live on purpose!
Great video!! I also like your advice to go out and find a way to make life better. I’m going to go do that right now…
Very wise if not the wisest video.