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Surrounded By Greatness

By M-Power
I have a confession to make.  I'm the lone ranger!  I have recently realized that I often forge ahead in life thinking that I have to do it all myself.  What a relief it is to see the greatness and gifts of those who surround me.  The resources to solve whatever problem or challenge you face right now are present all around you right now.  Open your eyes and start seeing people.  Draw on your human treasury, and you will find that the balance in that account actually increases the more you use it. If I have seen further, it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants. three credit bureaus equifax - Sir Isaac Newton
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Toward, Not To

By M-Power
What if I were to give you a challenge to run to the horizon and back?  The horizon is not a real place, it is just a concept.  Sometimes we get stuck thinking we have to be perfect, and we are not OK until we get there.  Perfection is not a real place either.  You can't really even get closer to the horizon because as you approach, your perspective changes and the horizon moves farther away.  When I teach boy scouts how to use a compass, I have them get their bearings by finding a landmark somewhere way out there in the direction I want them to go and then move toward that landmark.  They are not going TO the landmark, just TOWARD it.  Use perfection as a standard only to get your bearings so you'll know what to move toward.  And remember, you are not going TO the horizon,…
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Just Do It

By M-Power
Your mind has the amazing capability to create solutions and opportunities, and at the same time has the equally impressive ability to identify all of the reasons why you can't do something.  You are naturally endowed with the ability to know what to do in certain moments.  You will know, for example, that someone could use a call or a smile or a kind word.  Your amazing mind then gives you a dozen reasons to not do what you felt and knew to do.  Follow your first impressions, your natural knowing, and watch miracles start to happen in your life and the lives of those around you.  The solutions and opportunities you yearn for are just a relationship and a conversation away - JUST DO IT!! The heart has reasons which reason cannot understand. - Blaise Pascal P.S.  I've been practicing this concept of following my impressions and not allowing…
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You’d Better Be Running

By M-Power
My son, Adam, is an avid runner who shared this thought with me this morning which is sometimes attributed to Roger Bannister: "Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.  It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed.  Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up.  It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve.  It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle - when the sun comes up, you'd better be running." Just Keep Swimming. - Dory (Finding Nemo)
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Stepping Up

By M-Power
One of my favorite lines from the hit Disney movie, "Pirates of the Caribbean" is from a scene where Captain Jack Sparrow is being confronted by two British officers just before he commandeers their ship.  One of them says to Sparrow, "You are the worst pirate I've ever heard of."  To which Jack replies, "Ah, but you HAVE heard of me." It is comfortable to remain anonymous, and risky to actually step up and make yourself and your offering to the world known.  As soon as you step up, people WILL form opinions about you.  Don't worry about all of those who will think you are the worst they have ever heard of.  The people who want and need what you have to offer will never see you if you remain anonymous! If you don't want people to rain on your parade, don't tell them what street it is coming…
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By M-Power
I had a fascinating interview with Dale Jessee this week, who is a contemporary piano performer and composer.  Part of our discussion centered around doing what you love for the people who love what you do.  This season is one in which we focus a bit more on giving.  The fastest and surest way to get what you want out of life is to help other people to get what they want.  Focus more on what you can give, and what you get will enrich your life. good credit personal loans We make a living by what we get.  We make a life by what we give. - Winston Churchill Please take some time to listen in on my interview with Dale by clicking this link.
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Acceptance, not Apathy

By M-Power
Several of my clients just this week have been concerned that they are becoming "hardened" or "past feeling" because they don't feel as upset about something in their life as they did a while back.  When we first encounter or anticipate a difficult or painful life circumstance, we may be overcome with fear, dread, shock, or horror.  As we come to terms with these life challenges, we begin to accept them for what they are.  This frees up our mind to actually start working on productive solutions or adaptation.  As you begin to accept things as they are, you become less frantic, and can actually have more influence on potential outcomes.  Acceptance doesn't mean that you don't care. The real voyage of discovery consists not in making new landscapes but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust  
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By M-Power
Decisions, choices, options... Those words delineate freedom and control over various aspects of life. They also strike fear into the heart, mostly because of the chance that your choice will be WRONG! But not making a choice is itself a choice with a full spectrum of consequences. You can't not choose, so choose wisely. Don't worry about making a mistake - that just gives you the opportunity to learn something you didn't know before. When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that is in itself a choice. - William James
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Enough Time

By M-Power
When you say you don't have enough time you are always lying. Everyone has exactly the same amount of time - 24 hours every day - not a minute more or less. You will spend all of it every day, and then you get a new allotment of 24 hours the next day. The frustration comes in sacrificing things of greater value. If we spend our precious time on things that aren't really that important to us, we will feel that our time is wasted. Commit to spending your time as carefully as you would spend your money on the things that you really want. The key is not to prioritize what's on the schedule, but to schedule your priorities. - Stephen Covey Calling all parents! - Register now for Parental Power - Dr. Paul
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By M-Power
As a child when my parents would take me to church, we used to sing a song - "I Am A Child Of God".  I believe that we as humans are creators, because we are offspring of the Great Creator.  You are the driver and creator of your own life.  When you get really good at creating what you intend, there is a much shorter distance between your words and what actually happens.  When you say you will be somewhere, you are there.  When you say you will do something, to anyone listening it is as good as done.  This is true integrity - to speak things into existence.   I define integrity as the distance between your lips and your bank personal loan - Mark Sanborn
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