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Be Box 1

By September 30, 20104 Comments

Imagine three magical machines or boxes… Into Box 1  you feed a crisp $100 bill.  It hums and the lights flash and every single time it spits out $200.  Do you like this box?  How often would you feed this box?  How hard would it be to get other people to feed this box?  This is going well, so you take one of your $100 bills and feed it into Box 2.  Box 2 hums and the lights flash and every single time it spits out $100.  How excited are you about this one?  There is one box left so you feed another $100 into Box 3, which hums and the lights flash and every single time it spits out $20.  Notice the difference in how you feel about each of these boxes.  What is the box?  The box is always a person.  If this is true, which box are you?  If you always strive to create more value for others than you consume, there will be no shortage of those who want to feed value into you.  If you are Box 3 you are depleting the resources of others.  Be Box 1!

Be Box 1

Life is an echo; what you send you comes back.

Chinese Proverb

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Debbie Flynn says:

    Paul ~

    Thank you so much for this insite and the beautiful analogy.

    I will pass this on.

    Take care,

  • Larry Hunter says:

    Haven’t heard from you for a while. Thanks for sharing this with me.

  • Kathryn Spencer says:

    This works! It even works to dispel jealous feelings of others in a sales environment and create a more unified team. I’ve tried it.

  • Jasin Leavitt says:

    Dr. Paul,

    That is so awesome! Thank you for sending it to me. I need to strive harder somehow. I really want to be box one!

    Jasin Leavitt