Early summer is a time for thunderstorms where I live – they hit hard and fast, but don’t last long. It was during one such storm recently when my family and I were watching a movie. As the storm started, my daughter said with a twinkle in her eye, “Hey, we should go jump on the trampoline!” I’ve started to learn that life is more about the journey than the destination, so I jumped up in my pajamas and said, “Well, let’s go!” She and I were soaked within a few minutes, full of laughing and loving. The storms will come – what we do with them is up to us!
It does little good, I decided, to make the trip and miss the journey.
– Max Lucado
Facing Your Giants This Summer
We’re back for the summer session of “Facing Your Giants” – This e-coaching program has helped hundreds already to transform their adversity into opportunity. Act now to get the entire program (a $295.00 value) for only $39.95. Just think where you will be once you get past your giant!