At times I start to feel stuck in one way or another, whether that is financially, emotionally, in a relationship, in my health, or some other way. When I'm stuck, occasionally my mind starts to wander into the “Snow White Syndrome” and I start wishing and hoping for a rescue. In reality, the power to get un-stuck lies with me alone. Who or what is “the economy”? Who or what is “the government”. Who or what will be coming to get us un-stuck? Watch this 1-minute video, and when you stop laughing start rescuing yourself!
The Troops Aren't Coming – WE are the Troops!
–Mary Louise Zeller
P.S. For those of you within reach of Utah County, I would like to invite you to join me and Mary Louise Zeller on April 15th for a private showing of the movie “i-ology” followed by a presentation about a business opportunity for people who are ready to get themselves un-stuck. Free admission and refreshments, but we have limited seating, so register now at