
Whatever Kind You Want

By March 26, 2008 3 Comments

There are times when my kids have some kind of a choice to make among a variety of options, and faced with the difficulty of deciding they may ask, “Dad, which kind should I get?”  My response is predictable as I say, “Whatever kind you want.”  It seems so obvious to me that it is just a matter of choice and preference.  Well, recently my wife called her dad, who was unavailable to answer the phone.  She got the routine message of, “I’m not available… please leave a message…” etc., but then the ending took her by surprise.  Just before the beep Vicki heard, “Have whatever kind of day you want!”  It is, after all, just a matter of choice and preference.  We’ve been getting a lot of mileage out of this one as we encourage each other now to do just that.  I’m trying to give up the selfishness of insisting that others have the kind of day that I want them to have, and just accept their choice. 

Have whatever kind of day you want!

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Vicki Jenkins says:

    I was once admonished to change my “have a nice day” (a self-serving command/request) to “Bless someone’s life today” (an other-serving command/request). I like that. It implies action and giving which generally leads to receiving.

  • wendikelly says:

    This is cute! What a nice thought!

  • Stefanie says:

    I like this new thought of allowing others to have whatever kind of day they want. However, I also find it lifts my spirits when someone says to me, “Have a nice day”. With this new thought though, I can work on changing my thought processes and not worry so much when hubby chooses to have the kind of day other than what I want for him.